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No Power To Fuel Pump 89 Jeep Comanche 4.o 6Cyl

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I have no power to fuel pump ive checked the pump its good and have  followed the harness as far as I could to fuse block from there I have  no clue I have checked  relay   and coil no power there  too ,I have no schematic for this  vehicle is there  anyone who might  know  of a site to download a (non Haynes) but manufacturers schematics of complete fuel systems electrical diagram? and  any suggestion's welcome  thanks for your  help  . jrwhite

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The resistor is bypassed on startup (and under wide open throttle), so it should at least run for a second after turning the key on, and during starting.


You say you checked the relay. Did you check to see if the relay is good, or did you check to see if the relay gets power during cranking (or for a second after turning the key on)? No spark is usually a bad CPS.

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fuel pump: A way to check your relays is rotate them one position.  They are all the same.  Check your battery charge.  The starter could be taking all the power from a low charge battery.


coil: Your C201 a C202 plug contacts could be old and in need of reforming.  Cleaning these things just makes matters worse unless you have access to Electrolube.

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I have checked  all the relays and they are good but I'm not getting power to them ,also no spark to coil or power to coil at the coils primary connection, I'm realy needing a schematic that  shows entire fuel system electrical including where it connect's to the  ecu, which I suspect the problem reside's but without ,correct diagram its difficult to connect the dots

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I found the problem and I suspected it  all along but was just avoiding the thought band afraid to admit it (its the  ecm/electronic control module ) took it out  inspected the pins  and there  was one  pin sorta discolored  and corroded  (due to excessive heat) pin number 4 bottom row of the  right connector . I opened up the  ecm and located circuite area has  been cooking fried chicken, resister looks to be bad, my knowledge of  why  stop's there (just  wore out from normal usage or is there something else causing this problem ? hey guy's  I thank you from the help and I'm in debted to you I do still need  a good  diagram for this truck depending on the  Haynes takes you no wheres .    jrwhite3230

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He still did not say what yr it is.


Look at the title.


Please guys, edit your profile signature detailing exactly what your ride is. Use the drop-down menu on your username (upper RH corner) -> My Settings -> Signature. You'll get better answers to your questions.


Like cpa tim did.  :thumbsup:

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Hey guy's  srry for not responding   my pc been  down  for about a  week since my  last post  and  my Comanche is an 89 jeep pioneer 2w/dr 4.0 bored 50 over/(not much sleeve  left) I replaced ecu,and so far  still not getting power ill get back soon ,I'm going to go through the entire system the best way I know (process of elimimation), 

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