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Tool Box

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How much does all this weigh? Holy smokes.


Enough to crack the corners of an aluminum bed rail mounted box. lol I plan on welding this one back together then swapping it over to my '92 then getting a bed mounted one (one that bolts to the bottom) and swaping everything over. In NJ, tow truck drivers will give you issues if your vehicle is modified so I try to carry as much as I can to fix it and not put up with that hassle. I've also grown up on a farm and have been a mechanic for god knows how many years so that doesn't help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

good looking box


Thanks, i love it. Did not know it was going to be so hard to find one that filled up the bed, most were way small or to big. This one has a good size gap on the sides and bottom but i have found some really good uses for the space so it works. Spending the money on a nice once is totally worth it, I can go through a car wash and not have a second thought about my stuff getting wet

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My neighbor just gave me this one today. Gull wing Delta box. Not sure if I'm going to use it or not tho...



NOTE: it's just sitting in the bed, not mounted or anything.


I literally have the exact same box on my truck atm.


Hate it though, The opening is all awkward so i can't fit anything large through it. Like my craftsman toolbox :(

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i have a plywood box in right now that i made to the size i wanted. i will get something stronger in the future. the one stipulation that i have is that it is below the height of the bed (mostly for looks) and not over the rails ( so i can still get a canopy on).

ok, i guess that's two stipulations.

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