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Easy question!

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There was a thread on another message board 7-8 years ago,

someone had bought a new-used XJ, that had the used car dealer's badge on the back.


He asked "how do I remove it carefully-bla bla bla".


He got a ton of answers & opinions:

heat gun, wait till a hot day, use a plastic bondo scraper once you get it started, etc etc.


It seemed like the guy hadn't done much mechanical work, because he replied to most of the posts, and asked alot of questions.



Anyway, he buys a heat gun, and takes his time, and very carefully lifts & removes the emblem....






only to find the dealer had removed the last dealer badge with a screwdriver, gouged the crap out of the paint,

and just slapped the new emblem over the damage. :doh: :wall: :wall: :wall:

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There was a thread on another message board 7-8 years ago,

someone had bought a new-used XJ, that had the used car dealer's badge on the back.


He asked "how do I remove it carefully-bla bla bla".


He got a ton of answers & opinions:

heat gun, wait till a hot day, use a plastic bondo scraper once you get it started, etc etc.


It seemed like the guy hadn't done much mechanical work, because he replied to most of the posts, and asked alot of questions.



Anyway, he buys a heat gun, and takes his time, and very carefully lifts & removes the emblem....






only to find the dealer had removed the last dealer badge with a screwdriver, gouged the crap out of the paint,

and just slapped the new emblem over the damage. :doh: :wall: :wall: :wall:



:doh: :no: :thwak:

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Also how easy will they come off afterwards? I don't want them to like blow off. Can you get the tape at wal mart? Also has anyone ever painted emblems? What was your experience and how did you do it? thanks!


I have just repainted 2 Comanche emblems and put them on where they are supposed to be ( on the front fenders). If you use emblem tape they are really easy to take off don't know about any other tapes, but the Black emblem tape is a pain in the @$$ to get off where an emblem used to be. If you have the paint that came with you truck still there then trying to remove the emblem tape will also rub off alot of paint (happened to me so I just left mine on). To paint the emblem use black acrylic paint that you can by at walmart for like 3 bucks. squirt the paint all over them emblem and use a soft paper towel or cotton balls and rub the paint off of the raised edges. Wipe as much off with out pushing hard, as you can. Then take a fine brush and brush and missed spots in the black. let it sit to dry for 24hr's then go back and use the cotton balls or a SOFT paper towel to gently rub off the paint on the raised parts. may have to get a very very very small amount of water on the towel or cotton ball to get all of it off.



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