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Hope this isn't someone's MJ on here...


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...because you're living under a rock.




Believe me, I'd like nothing more than to see the resale value of our beloved trucks increase due to their rarity, but sometimes you just have to face reality. He sounds like a bitter man that paid too much for a rusted MJ and had to spend a lot of time bringing it up to snuff. Cry me a river, buddy, and welcome to NJ - your floors are going to be rusted and the rear fender wells are going to have some rot. Speaking of the bed, way to scrap it and chose to put on what is likely to be a gaudy wood-sided bed. Congrats. Your plans for the truck have just lowered its resale value. Also, way to tear down 75% of the engine, but not change two gaskets that commonly leak. If your welding skills are anything like your spelling or grammar.... :rotf:

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I really have a hard time believing some of the prices being paid for MJ's around the country. Are they really that desirable, rare or is it just a EBay mentality? The most I have ever paid for a MJ was $400. It was 100% rust free, all there and I drove it home. 44 miles. :dunno:

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  Geonovast said:
I always get a kick out of the douchehats who insult potential buyers in their ad.


I might, MIGHT, give him $400 for it.


I was thinking of writing him an e-mail saying something to the extent of, "Your ad is a typo, right? You meant to put $400?"

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  jimoshel said:
I really have a hard time believing some of the prices being paid for MJ's around the country. Are they really that desirable, rare or is it just a EBay mentality? The most I have ever paid for a MJ was $400. It was 100% rust free, all there and I drove it home. 44 miles. :dunno:


The MJ is a rare vehicle, but it doesn't have a very large following - except on this board, of course.


I used to be big in the import tuner world (and still own a '91 3000GT VR-4) and I got to see the Toyota Supra Mark VI go from a rare, moderately priced 2-door sports coupe to a vehicle so outrageously priced, you would think that god, himself, drove it. Although many will say that it was the Supra's ability to be safely modified and tuned to insane HP numbers that brought it's value up, but the plain truth is that Hollywood did it by featuring it in The Fast and the Furious. I've seen salvage-titled Supra's with gobs of Bondo and misaligned body panels go for $12K+ (keeping in mind that they are 10+ year old vehicles).


I guess I'm just upset I didn't buy one before their resale value sky-rocketed...

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I've never worked on a MK IV, but the MK IIIs were worthless hunks of crap. Yeah, they could push a ton of power... when they worked. My "POS Jeep" towed that thing back to it's house from Madison at least 4 times.

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From Craigslist:

i have a 1987 a.m.c. jeep comanche long bed, 4.0l, auto 4x4. i got the truck for plenty over what its actually worth trust me. i needed to gut clean and restructure the floor pans on both sides. the roof had i small pin hole that i filled aswell as the hood cowl air vent leaked in heavy rain i also repaired that. it only had one origional door on it when i got it so i put a pair of 94 xj doors on it( that are green). the bed sides were completely rotted out so they hit the shredder I'm currently workin on a boat tailed wood sided bed. i put a pair of grey buckets from the same 94 cherokee in it.the entire interior besides the seats and belts is black.and origional. the back window has been removed cleaned repainted and reinstalled. i broke down 75 percent of the motor and did a intake and exhaust port gasket match for just a little more air flow cuase i know these old renix motors love to gulp down the octane. ive changed all gaskets on the block except the timing cover and the oil pan, custome run exhaust. the entire undercarriage has been presure washed and painted black. both front fenders and i small part of the hood have been truck bed coated black the origional body color is grey. i have a LOT of time into this truck. i aint stupid like the rest of you i know how to weld so donw try and bull sh*t me with your expertise on sh*t these trucks are getting very rare in the day and this is no different i also have the title and the BUILD SHEET so the price is FIRM you think different? than go out and buy a honda 4x4s are for big boys not children and there fart cans if you have any others ??s feel free to ask if it aint gone by the end of the month its goin back under the knife for more mods




All I have to say is...


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FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS!!!!!!!!!?????????? HOLY MOLEY! I wonder what he'll ask after he does more mods, because theres no way hes gonna sell it like that, for that price! People (in general) are idiots, especially when they are either uninformed, or overinformed....like this guy, whichever one he is. His attitude oozing from the ad doesnt help things either. Good luck buddy! :nuts:

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That ones pretty rich ... :clapping:


I think the price needs needs some mods ..... :shake:


  jimoshel said:
I really have a hard time believing some of the prices being paid for MJ's around the country. Are they really that desirable, rare or is it just a EBay mentality? The most I have ever paid for a MJ was $400. It was 100% rust free, all there and I drove it home. 44 miles. :dunno:




Jimoshel , you don't count anymore , I think your a couple MJ's away from being the unofficial center for rehabilitated Manche's .... :rotfl2:

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  MjAllTheWay said:
You guys are lucky that people are selling Comanches i get 1 or 2 a year over hear


Start hunting SoCal. I trip over them down here... And I'm up in Reno pretty frequently when it isn't winter (I refuse chains, so don't run 395 a few months in the winter)

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Just wow.


That guy needs to get a clue... I paid 800 for the rust bucket I drive, and that was 200 more than the previous owner paid for it. He might get me to buy that hunk of crap if he cut a zero off the end of the price... especially now that he's shredded the bed.

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