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Lower Door Weatherstrip??

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Hit some heavy rains yesterday while driving, and noticed some water had got in between the lower door and rocker panel. I went to my parts manual and it shows a weatherstrip there called:


SEAL, Door to Rocker, 5513 4856, Four Door


I have nothing on the lower door except the seal that goes around the entire door to keep out water. The pic from the parts manual is below; it's part #7. Supposed to fit XJs and MJs 84-96. Do you guys have a seal like this in your rigs? How and where does it fasten to the truck?


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I have them, but I stole my doors from a "Laredo" model. These seem to be found mainly on the upscale models ( Laredo, Limited). They are held on by a small piece of channel that pop-rivets to the door, and the strip is sandwiched between the channel and the door. The holes are allready in your doors for the rivets (3 of them).

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Thanks Ren. I just snapped a pic of the door bottom. There are three holes in the middle raised section of the door frame, then two more holes on each end of the door. Does the weatherstrip go across the entire door bottom length? Any way you can send a pic? Gracias amigo.


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Hey Hornbrod. The strip does go all the way across, and I was wrong about the number of rivets in the strip. You use the holes all the way across the door. I can't post pix, because for what ever reason, Photobucket is telling me "NO" when I try to transfer, mouseover or whatever you want to call it. :redX: :fs1: :hmm: :wall:

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The rivets are actually normal steel poprivets (1/8th"x1/8th"), and the strip is a piece of steel that is curved just a little to follow the lower part of the door, and the weatherstrip is a piece of rubber, with a small lip on it that is "clamped" between the door and the strip. Oh, and you "can install the weatherstrip without removing the steel strip, but it blows. I just drill the old rivets out, and use new ones. Takes about 5 minutes to do a door.

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I found a lower door weatherstrip on a door from a 95 XJ, it was held on by glue only. I have it saved somewhere. The door also happened to be the only one I'd ever seen with no rust to speak of at the door bottom.

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My 86 has those and it was a base model. You can see them sticking out a little on the second page of my build thread. The PO may have put them on but I doubt it. Will watch to see how this comes out for you as I'm interested in them for the 88.



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Okay, the metal strip looks like this:




Apperently, I have managed to lose the rubber strip :huh???: , but you can see how it is supposed to fit.

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  hornbrod said:
K. Found them in the 97-98 XJ parts manual, p/n 55235410AB, come w. the strip, $12/ea. I'm thinking these will work just fine on the 96 and below doors. :cheers:


Struck out on these - part discontinued. But I did manage to locate a pair for the 84-96 XJs (55134856) from a dealer in IA, $2 more. So these will work for sure and are on the way.

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  WahooSteeler said:
Don, is there a difference between the 97 ones and pre-96 ones or did you look for the 97 ones first because you found them in the parts catalog?


The only reason I looked at the 97+ ones is because they are a little cheaper (about $2/each). I ordered them online, but they are a discontinued item. So I went to the 1996 and below strips (also discontinued but still plenty around at various dealerships) and ordered them. I should have them in a few days.

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  hornbrod said:
  WahooSteeler said:
Don, is there a difference between the 97 ones and pre-96 ones or did you look for the 97 ones first because you found them in the parts catalog?


The only reason I looked at the 97+ ones is because they are a little cheaper (about $2/each). I ordered them online, but they are a discontinued item. So I went to the 1996 and below strips (also discontinued but still plenty around at various dealerships) and ordered them. I should have them in a few days.


Gotchya. I checked at wholesalemopar.com and the pre-96 ones they have over 500 in stock!! I assume that's total inventory showing in the system around the country, but good to know. I'll be pursuing a set after you guinea pig them for me. :brows:

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  hornbrod said:
  hornbrod said:
K. Found them in the 97-98 XJ parts manual, p/n 55235410AB, come w. the strip, $12/ea. I'm thinking these will work just fine on the 96 and below doors. :cheers:


Struck out on these - part discontinued. But I did manage to locate a pair for the 84-96 XJs (55134856) from a dealer in IA, $2 more. So these will work for sure and are on the way.


I can't remember off the top of my head, but these seals are not side specific, correct?


Also interested to see if that part number will work as I need to replace my seals, too.

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Received the lower door seals and installed - took all of 10 minutes. They have been "updated" and no longer use the steel dtrip and pop rivets, but 2M double-sided tape to attach. Clean area well w. alcohol. They have a ridge along the length and this ridge sets right along the bottom edge of the door. It does make a good seal along the bottom, but I'm not sure some kind of universal molding might work as well if you can find it. Part number 55134856, Door - Door and components - Seal - On body, Rocker panel Back - Pick up, 1984-92 1984 - 1992.


From the outside"

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