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Here's a good one for everyone. Was driving home Sunday and got pulled over because I was driving my manche. Who would've guessed something like that could happen, came to find out that there had been a robbery and they had pictures of a dark colored Jeep pick up that was involved, mine is black, and the police were pulling over all the Jeep pick ups that they saw and taking photos to compare to the pictures they had. I didn't know that there were that many dark Comanches in my area. Just lucky I don't have a ladder rack on mine because the one they were looking for had one. :bowdown: I guess our MJ's are more popular than I thought. jamminz.gif

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I've drove some ugly cars, I have a hard time believing, that when I got pulled over in one of them,and the cop told me that they were looking for a car that looked like mine that was involved in an incident....Come on......I might have been born at night,but not last night! In my experience, cops say this to cover their a&&eS, when they discover a chargeable offense in the stop, then they had "probable cause".They also do this when they do a "Ponytail stop". :smart: cops :mad:

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here you go folks: in eureka, nv (pop 500 or so), there are two comanche's on the road: mine (black), a dark grey one, and two that arent on the road: mine (the red parts comanche) and a brown one with a dead motor. there was a third one on the road, but he left town last year. which brings me up to the cops: if they were looking for one here, they know where i live, my phone number, my kids' names... etc, etc. for you see, in a town of 500 with about 12 cops, everyone knows every one.... and i mean you know everyone. now for that other traffic stop.... seems a little bit suspicious to me.

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Not to :hijack: but Akula have you saw the red lwb on 190 for sale it's parked in that little lot by Lowes on the south bound side.Have'nt had time to go look at it and see how much


Yeah...he wants $1300.00 and its in pretty bad shape for a 87. Red with tan interior, new BFG Wranglers on stock rims are the best feature. The guy has ripped the carpet up and 'relocated' the AC controls (hanging from hole in dash with tape wrapped around it). Has rust on floorboards with some thru and thru.


and yeah, sry about the :hijack:

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soapbox.gif Why do people have to hate on Law Enforcement...?? :dunno:


They are doing a job that most people would not even think about doing or are scared to do. These guys go out every day and literally risk their lives for the good of the general public. They do not need a reason to pull you over as they can do it just for the sake of checking for current insurance and registration if they want. If you get pulled over for anything...no matter what the reason...you should be courteous to the officer and thank him for what he does. I put my level of respect for the men and women in Law Enforcement just under that of the Soldiers serving in our Military.


If you hate or fear cops...you must have broken, or currently be breaking a law....otherwise there is no reason...


I will grant that there are "bad people" in Law Enforcement as has been proven, but this is not one of those cases where "one bad apple spoils the bunch". / soapbox.gif



Sorry, but I just get really tired of seeing people say "I hate cops" when there is no reason for it. :cheers: :thumbsup:

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Ah BLHTAZ, ya gotta be a duck, and just let it all roll off your back. BUT...you can get some amusement occasionally.


I stopped a young African-american the other day for not using his turn signal, and speeding. He was driving a chebby camero that had been red but was now red with black primer spots. When I first saw the violation he was about 2 blocks from his house, and he finally stopped right out front of the house. From the moment he got out of the car he was griping, whining and complaining. Of course, I had the camera/mic in the car running the whole time.


He started with the classic "Why are you stopping me - I haven't done nuthin" line that pretty much assures a citation, and then shifted to "What...just cause we got a black president now you gotta pick on the black folks" and then ended up with "you cops, ya'll don't have anything else better to do then harass the public? Why don't you just go and get a donut somewhere?"


Well, as usual, I stayed really calm, reminding him of the violations that caused the stop, and asking him to sign, and giving him his copy of the citation. Then, after about 1/2 hour later, I passed back by the house and set a nice, fresh glazed donut on the rear spoiler for him.


I really haven't been by there since, but I hope he enjoyed it :brows:

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