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Drahcir495's Build-up

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Can any of you guys put a set of calipers on that v8 sway bar and get me a diameter?

I just picked one up. I have diameters of 25.84 - 26.18mm at various locations. The guy at Napa, using his caliper, confirmed the 26mm. I am ordering the 26mm Moog bushings, so I will let you know how it works out. Anyone else get a different measurement?


So I should be making sure they are over 1" in diameter.. OK cool , thanks...


noooooo, 26mm! pay attention son! :fool: :yes:

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Can any of you guys put a set of calipers on that v8 sway bar and get me a diameter?

I just picked one up. I have diameters of 25.84 - 26.18mm at various locations. The guy at Napa, using his caliper, confirmed the 26mm. I am ordering the 26mm Moog bushings, so I will let you know how it works out. Anyone else get a different measurement?


So I should be making sure they are over 1" in diameter.. OK cool , thanks...


noooooo, 26mm! pay attention son! :fool: :yes:


26mm=1.0236" :hmm: :fool:

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I actually wrote a DIY on this Swaybar thing, and it covers size as well.


http://comancheclub.com/forums/viewtopi ... =9&t=11980

Holy crappers batman.. I even posted in that thread...... To much information......my... head... is ....... aboutttt........... to ............................... EXPLODE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :headpop:


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Can any of you guys put a set of calipers on that v8 sway bar and get me a diameter?

I just picked one up. I have diameters of 25.84 - 26.18mm at various locations. The guy at Napa, using his caliper, confirmed the 26mm. I am ordering the 26mm Moog bushings, so I will let you know how it works out. Anyone else get a different measurement?


So I should be making sure they are over 1" in diameter.. OK cool , thanks...


noooooo, 26mm! pay attention son! :fool: :yes:


26mm=1.0236" :hmm: :fool:


:doh: I was teasing because you converted from metric to english, i.e. as if they were not the same measurment. Soooo..... :fool: and :fool:

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Can any of you guys put a set of calipers on that v8 sway bar and get me a diameter?

I just picked one up. I have diameters of 25.84 - 26.18mm at various locations. The guy at Napa, using his caliper, confirmed the 26mm. I am ordering the 26mm Moog bushings, so I will let you know how it works out. Anyone else get a different measurement?


So I should be making sure they are over 1" in diameter.. OK cool , thanks...


noooooo, 26mm! pay attention son! :fool: :yes:


26mm=1.0236" :hmm: :fool:


:doh: I was teasing because you converted from metric to english, i.e. as if they were not the same measurment. Soooo..... :fool: and :fool:

:thwak: ................................ :nanner:

nutkick.gif ............................. :rotfl2:







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Got a set of 26mm Moog from Advanced and they don't close completely around the bar when installed < 1/4" gap. Is this normal, or should it close up? Took it off and it says 25.5mm on the inside - wtf :fs1: ? I bet the 27mm is really a 26.5mm. I am going to see if they have 27mm at another parts store and if they don't, it will be close enough.

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The dealer has them. AFAIR they were pretty cheap too......... :cheers:

:cheers: Don - I wanted this done after I got home, so I could not get there in time.


After visiting four unique auto parts places, I still did not have the appropriate sway bar bushing. I decided to stick with the Moog 26mm (25.5mm actual) bushing out of frustration. On a side note; I had put off cutting down the sway bar disco’s until tonight too. They were at the maximum collapsed length. When I add the longer JKS sway bar mounts to clear the steering, they were a bit on the long side ->


Took a half inch of each side of the threaded rod ->


After the bushings and the shortened Disco’s ->

Before attempting this upgrade I had the stock sway bar with brand new poly bushings and the jeep drove very nice with those. After I swapped out the new bushings and took the jeep around the block all I can say is DAYEM! It is amazing what this simple upgrade has done. I will post up how it performs on the interstate tomorrow.

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I drove it to work today and caught myself leaning into the turns while the MJ tacked a straight line :yes: .

Simply awesome jamminz.gif .


Now that I have my Dial Calipers, I am going to keep an eye out for this 28mm bar in the salvage yards.

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Why didn't you removed the sway bar drop brackets instead of shorten the end links?



Good point. The sway bar drop bracket also moves the bar - IIRC - an inch out too. If I took it off I would possibly have to increase the length of the Disconnects, so they would not be touching the coil springs. It's really working well - I will not be touching it!

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you so crazy.


hey, don't you think it's time to update your avatar? or do you like the "before and after" effect it gives?

I believe you may be right. I would like to wait until the truck is painted before I change my Avatar. By the way Hoo - I have loaded up the 1/2 gallon of left over paint into my truck. I hope the paint guy will take rolled quarters. Other wise it is back to the corner of 53rd & 3rd to watch my profits rocket.

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Took a side trip to break in the new sway bar bushing :brows: . The parts guy said the specially formulated Sway Bar bushing fluid needed to be recycled after the 87 & 1/2 mile break in. Swung by the parents house to check in. Look who is noticeably bigger :eek: ->

I was going to try and "wrassel" him, but I had to go back to work :no: .


I also was able to get a picture of the neighbors Camel ->

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I am preparing the MJ for the First Annual South East Meet and Greet in June viewtopic.php?f=21&t=16668. Today I started to change out all the fluids, starting with the transmission and transfer case, before I move on to the engine and axles. I also decided to try and swap out the factory 29 tooth to the 39 tooth gear that BLHTAZ hooked me up with jamminz.gif .


I first drained the transfer case ->


I have been putting this off because I was afraid that the length of the new gear shaft would not match the old shaft. I did not want to use a heat gun to swap the new gear onto the old shaft to make it work. To my relief and surprise the gear shafts were exactly the same length! ->


All I needed to do was to insert the new shaft/39 tooth gear in place ->


Installed it with the correct tooth range nick (32-45) in front of the lower fork arm ->


Then I filled the NP231 with a little over 1 Quart of ATF.


This was the drain plug on my Peugeot BA10/5->


The same tool was needed for the fill plug ->


I did not have the correct tool to remove the plugs, so I improvised. I made the tool by modifying a cheap hex wrench. I used a 3/8 Hex Wrench I had lying around and ground down two apposing sides to remove drain plug ->


As you can see; it fits ->


The old oil was a little dirty->


The Peugeot used almost 3 Quarts of 80W-90 gear oil, but I could have been closer to 2 ½ looking at the mess I made trying to get it into the fill hole.


I also installed a new O2 sensor; Bosch 12009->


Nice ->


Used a 7/8 wrench ->

~ Had no problems getting it off.


Old and new ->


This weekend I am attempting to replace the valve cover with a late model steel one. I am hoping this will stop the leaking & blow by problems. TBC

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