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Jeep Liberty KJ Parts Help

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I know this is not an MJ question, but I need guidance from one of our experienced members here.


My wife’s 2004 KJ has cracked heater control knobs.  The heat and the sunlight are the culprits, and any junkyards here in AZ all have knobs in the same condition.


Anything on eBay only lists complete heater control assemblies, which is overkill for wanting three new knobs.


does anyone know of a source for either new or used good condition knobs for this old KJ?

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I know not ideal, but start with CarPart.com, call one in an area where the sun isn't lava all year around and ask them if they can send you just the knobs.  Worth saving money if someone will work with you over the phone.

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6 hours ago, knever3 said:

Does it have A/C?  Post a picture of yours.

Here is what the heater control panel looks like.  All three knobs are identical and interchangeable.


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6 hours ago, watchamakalit said:

I would bet you can find those knobs in about any chry\dodge of the era. Doubt they made special knobs just for the KJ

I already tried Wrangler knobs.  They are significantly smaller in diameter.:mad:


any other Mopar knobs of a similar era what would fit will be cracked just like mine are due to Arizona sun and heat.


I guess I need knobs from some junkyard donor KJ from a region of the US that does not have the environment seen here in AZ.

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