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new pump, new box, but no power steering

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ZJ box for a better ratio, new pump installed, new belt is on tight, I don't get bubbles, but still I get no assistance when the truck is stopped. 


what am I missing?  I'm off to town to see if I can rent a vacuum bleeder.  it's got to be a bubble somewhere.

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I've vacuum bled it, manually bled it, engine-on bled it.  no changes.  it's pumping fluid while turning the wheel with the engine off, and pumping fluid with the engine on (and no turning of the wheel).  I'm at a loss (and my arms are really tired).  :dunno:


the pump was replaced because we were experiencing the same issue with the old one and I figured it was bad. 

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dunno. :dunno:  I fly out tomorrow for some doc appts in Michigan, and while away I'll be ordering new lines (they're the only old stuff left, so why not) and another new pump to have on hand.  when I return I'll be taking the whole thing apart for inspection.  maybe the pressure valve is faulty? 

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I put in a remanned pump from rock auto when I added power steering to my ‘89, using a good-used box and hoses.


I cycled steering a bunch before and after starting the engine, I had no bubbles in the reservoir. Power steering worked while the engine was revved, but did not work at idle. 


I got a warranty pump, followed the same procedure, and had no issues. It turned out to be a junk pump right out of the box. This was in January of this year. It was “Cardone” brand pump. Could be the same problem that you’re having. :dunno:

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I've changed several PS pumps and/or gears in my time.  A few years back, I did business with a local guy who rebuilds PS gears (powersteering.com).  He included a detailed procedure to refill and bleed the PS system.  I don't remember being very careful when I was younger, but the recent ones I have done, I followed his procedure.


Here is a link to his instructions.  He talks about "air bind" in the procedures.  Also, there is a lot of good knowledge on his website if you want to learn about steering gears.



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