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Neohic’s Nest

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I have known several folks that have re-shingled their roof with good results. As in, patch the bad section of their roof and not redo the entire roof.  If there is not any significant impact damage (say from a tree limb), you should be able to inspect your roof, see if the asphalt paper has torn, decide on whether its ok and just re-shingle or install some new asphalt paper and re-shingle. My den was re-shingled in 2003 and it's still been working pretty great.


Good luck!

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I’ve reshingled a few roofs but this one has seen a bunch of hail and other damage in the past too. I know that I can crawl up there and repair everything but this was a cheap roof to begin with. The previous owners did a quick fluff up before trying to sell and whatever the cheapest option was is what they went with.


I’ll still wait on anything until insurance looks at it. 

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  • 2 months later...

STILL fighting with insurance on the roof. :fistshake2: In the mean time, the little shed finally got some attention today. We kept the old picture windows from the living room (PS, we got new windows) that’ll go in the south facing wall eventually. Made up some hooks and a little cabinet with shelves. 








The plan is to make up planter boxes after the windows go in. Making for a nice little garden shed/greenhouse.


Been picking up on the trim inside the house lately too which is usually the kiss of death for each house I’ve had before the for sale sign goes back in the yard. :dry:

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I’ve been dreading this for years. :fistshake2: The retaining wall behind the house has never been awesome. A while back when I moved the shed in, the plan was to replace the wall with a new one out of 6x6 timbers so it could sit on something more solid than the cinder blocks I “temporarily” put under it. It’s been a long weekend of digging. 





… and then I started on steps down to the shop.




I’ve got a ways to go yet. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been picking at steps when I can. I’m averaging about one step per hour. :crazy:





Maybe 3/4 down the hill? There’ll be a bit more structure to build for the bottom landing. 




Aiming for coming down next to the rocks at the end of the retaining wall. 

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Yeah thats looking great. I KNOW of the work involved and your 1hr a step is pretty darn good. :laugh: I love seeing other uses for the hi-lift jacks. Goes to show they are very under utilized and a most valueable tool to have in the shop. Keep up the fine work good sir. :L: :beerchug:

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17 hours ago, neohic said:

Been picking at steps when I can. I’m averaging about one step per hour. :crazy:





Maybe 3/4 down the hill? There’ll be a bit more structure to build for the bottom landing. 




Aiming for coming down next to the rocks at the end of the retaining wall. 

Lookin good! That's a ton of work right there!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Glad this project is over with. 28 steps in total and 71 6x6 timbers between the new retaining wall and steps.






Then I sealed up the expansion joints and the seal between the retaining wall and the sidewalk.




I added a gutter along the back of the car port but the plan is to add another along this side of the shop too.


These things are never done until the for sale sign goes back in the yard. :twak:

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Channeling my past cabinet maker life. I’m not about to post about my lack of dovetails on the drawer though. :peep:





Maybe… MAYBE… I’ll finish the trim in the house this year. I’ve got siding to do also. 

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  • 4 months later...
On 3/9/2024 at 2:14 PM, neohic said:

… I’ve got siding to do also. 

So… about that. My plan was to get going on siding sooner, but we all know how that goes. While I started this a few weeks ago, it has been slow going. The eaves have always been open on this house and there was evidence of some prior rot along the back of the house. I’ve been reframing, closing things in, painting the new panels, and then trimming the fascia with steel flashing.













The gable ends were still wearing the split log siding from 1947… it did its job. The logs were shrunk, splitting, and you could see the deteriorating tar paper house wrap.


I still have the other half of the eaves to go, but I think I’ve got a good jump on things. The plan is to replace the split log siding with a blue corrugated steel, add a 42” brown steel skirting, and then to recycle the majority of the board and batten siding.





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