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Alcohol Intolerance?


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On 12/22/2020 at 3:43 AM, krustyballer16 said:

This seems like as good a place as any to ask and get some info...
So I drink a little more than I should probably. About 2 or 3 Rum or whiskey and sprites a night after work (between 4pm and 10pm). Have for the past 3 years or so.
Well about 2 weeks ago, one night, after about 4 drinks (seagrams 7 and sprite) my face feels kinda hot and my buddies notice its red and kinda splotchy or broken out. Then I look at my hands and they're really broken out and kinda irritated and itchy. So I go home and within an hour its cleared up enough to not be noticeable.
The next night I'm about 4 drinks in again, same seagrams and sprite, and I make a long island with sprite instead of coke and about half way thru drinking it my hands break out again and my face breaks out even more. My hands are more irritated this time but it clears up again within an hour or so.
Well last night I'm finishing my 3rd drink, I'd been drinking bacardi and some mango juice stuff and one seagrams and sprite and another bacardi and juice, and I notice my face is slightly broken out but my hands aren't that red yet. So I stop for the night and it clears up.
I don't ever really get drunk or drink to get drunk. I just like the taste of it.
When this is all happening I don't ever feel sick or light headed or any different. Just red and splotchy.
Anybody have any ideas? Could be an intolerance or allergy to something?
I haven't drank only sprite thru out the day to see if its the sprite doing it...
I'm 28 and 5' 6" 145lbs if that makes a differnce. Ha.
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Any chance while at work you were working with or handling industrial chemicals like a degreaser or something similar? You had what’s sounded like “degreasers flush syndrome”. It’s been documented to occur when a worker is exposed to an industrial chemical while at work then goes home and consumes alcoholic beverages. Often occurs after working with or being around methanol, isopropanol, glycol ether, methylene ethyl ketone, or toluene. 


The metabolism of ethanol can be affected by exposure to toxic industrial chemicals, creating symptoms of alcohol intolerance like “Antabuse syndrome”. 


A worker exposed to carbon sulfide, dimethylformamides, trichlorethylene, or nitroglycerin could also bring out the symptoms you showed on those days.


Not saying this is what you had or that it can’t be something else. I think you should still see a doctor, but you could put this info in your back pocket and bring it up when talking with them and it might give them something else to look into along with allergies. 


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Quit farting around and find a doctor.  You’re too young to be having unexplained reactions like that.  If your throat starts reacting that way you could suffocate before paramedics could get to you or you could get to an ER.  
Just another Olde Pharts opinion, but that of one who’s seen a friend almost die from an allergic reaction.

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Also, find out what blood type you are. In todays colas, there is usually something to avoid for each blood type. Maybe try a natural sugar cola. The Mexican sodas have natural sugar. I think a little alcohol is good or OK. 3-4 hard drinks , not. One glass of wine or beer is OK, possibly one hard drink. No driving, no firearms, no equipment. Also, 28-32, men go through a transition. If this keeps happening, look into doing a cleanse. 

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Have a friend who has serious allergies and from all the doctor visits she's gone through, we've learned that your immune system can just become overloaded over time and when it's overloaded, it can just freak out and go into overdrive. 


Like @JustEmptyEveryPocket said, a few days off gives your system a bit of a break to catch up, but if you return to the old habits, it will build back up and come back eventually.  

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