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I bought a new truck.

Jeep Driver

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Saturday evening I bought a new Frontier. 


I have excellent credit, I got a good deal at a superior rate. 



We went back and forth with several lenders looking for the best terms for me, once we settled on one...............


I was present with the finance man when the lender called him, a lot of back and forth, bla bla bla. Lender wanted my wife on the loan, wife was not present.  More discussion regarding my employment status.....etc......



Once off the phone I asked the finance man what that was all about, he stated "Too many people do not have jobs and too many more will not have jobs, lender wants to know how you are going to make your payments. The only reason you got the loan is that you are self-employed."



Was discussing this with someone familiar with mortgage loans, he stated that mortgage money will be unobtainable for the next 30 days, that was before Trump extended the shutdown. 


Money is going to get tight, real tight. 


Apparently we are not allowed to discuss what is happening. It is clear by the comments here that most of you have no idea what is happening to you or what is going to happen to you. 


If you have been laid off or lost your job or if you believe you may lose your job- Do not wait around to be rehired, you will not be, not anytime soon. I'm afraid we will experience 30-40% unemployment for the next 6-12 months. 


I'm just giving you a heads up, be creative, be flexible, be aggressive. Get out from in front of the media, study on your own. 

Nothing, and I mean nothing, will be as it was. The govt is not going to help you, you'll have to help yourself. 









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Sorry, not exactly revolving about the moral of the story, but congrats on the new truck!

Also, from the little bit I know about you from this forum, I’m surprised you bought a new truck.


Why did you decide to do it now and not wait to see if there would be one that was almost new but used in a few months should money get tight for some people and they needed to sell it?

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I suspect in the next month or so you can get a deal. My wife has been Thinking about new SUV. I got 3 weeks off starting today (normal downtime for me) just might get her one. Apparently I'm essential according the feds. Got a letter and everything. As long as ships cross the ocean, I got a job. And as long as the post office and GM are open my wife has a job supplying them with parts.

89 Comanche
5 speed PukeGoat
Factory Original

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  On 4/2/2020 at 12:16 AM, Jeep Driver said:

Saturday evening I bought a new Frontier. 





I'm a bit envious.  The lady that I live with was in the market for a small truck a few years back.  A Frontier was one that we test drove.  She ended up with an S-10, but we still talk about that Frontier.  I'd love to have a new one before they change the body.  I don't see it happening though.  Good for you!

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  On 4/2/2020 at 1:20 AM, 89 MJ said:

Sorry, not exactly revolving about the moral of the story, but congrats on the new truck!

Also, from the little bit I know about you from this forum, I’m surprised you bought a new truck.


Why did you decide to do it now and not wait to see if there would be one that was almost new but used in a few months should money get tight for some people and they needed to sell it?




All this truck does is pull a trailer. I'm in business, my truck is a tool, like any other tool. And it's about a $24K per year write off, it pays for itself. 


Below is a pic of my last one, that trailer is a tool trailer, loaded weight is between 4-5000lbs, I've pulled that trailer about 150K mile here in the mountains, I drove the piss out of it. 


I've out grown that trailer and I expect to custom order a larger one in a couple of months, assuming the trailer company is still in business. 



This thread is not about a new truck. 







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I always liked the look of the Frontier, I had a Pathfinder of the same style for a company car for a few years, really like the motor. What do you know about the tranny problems the Frontier had for awhile when this model it came out in 2005? I would assume you have not had any real trouble being that you tow a heavy trailer full time and that you were willing to buy another one. I have thought about helping my son get a used one when I take the MJ back from him in a couple years LOL. 

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I'm trying to refi our house now with the credit union.  Went from a 30 note to a 15 with them about 4 years ago and dropped darn near a full point of interest.  I'm trying to rewrite the note again at a 7 or 10 year note and capitalize on close to 2% (or less).


I applaud your moxie.  Something good has to come from all this mess.

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