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One of those reminders to pay attention to where you're going.


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Yesterday I was tooling around on the forest service roads in south-eastern BC, when I saw this cool looking valley with some roads on the other side that I couldn't really see a clear way to get to from my side. It didn't seem like the roads were on the map I'd saved on my phone either, so I was figuring they were fairly new.


Then I came to a bit of a parking area, with a couple well-travelled wheel tracks running towards the edge of the valley. They went a couple hundred feet into a cutline, then they became much less well-travelled. I thought that was a little odd. Also thought it odd that I hadn't seen any signs or anything indicating buried gas or other sort of pipeline, transmission line, etc. 


Then a couple things clicked and I pulled out my phone to check gps. 

Sure enough, that cut line is the 49th parallel. I missed a fork on the map as I was following my route, and ended up much further south than I intended. The roads that weren't on my map weren't there because roads in Montana don't show up on BC maps.

As curious as I am about what might have happened if I kept following those tracks, I'm pretty happy I stopped where and when I did. 

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4 hours ago, 500 MJ said:

Lol, Time to build a wall!!!



Or at least put up a sign or something. 


7 hours ago, NHMJXJ said:

Not a problem in my little state.  While we do border Canada, it's unlikely you wouldn't know where you were.  Even without GPS.

I knew I was close to the border, I was just about ten miles further south than I was expecting. It's pretty easy to miss a mile marker without realizing it when the road looks like this:


Although I didn't miss the road itself, I just hadn't been paying attention to how far down I'd gone and didn't think I'd made it there yet. 

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