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replaced water pump, now overheating ?

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I replaced the water pump in my 86, 2.5L Comanche. It was screeching, and groaning. Only one heater hose and lower radiator hose to remove, simple replace. Fired it up, added some antifreeze....SO much came out...a whole other story. Then the overheating Idiot light came on???? It was only running for 5 minutes?, I opened the radiator cap......not a good idea, I know better. Parked it, fired it up after work today, same deal. All the hoses are new. WTF ???? I thought I was HELPING it !

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Don't forget to turn on the heater as you fill the radiator.  Otherwise, the heater core can trap a whole bunch of air.  Ask me how I know.


Also have to wonder if you blew the head gasket from overheating the engine with the bad water pump. BUT start with the simple things first.  DID you change the thermostat when you did the water pump?

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The impeller should have been stamped with an "R", I believe you can buy the same pump with 2 different impellers, depending on belt routing and rotation.


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You wrote that you have a 2.5L. Do you have a serpentine belt, or conventional V- belts? If you have V-belts, you need a water pump with "forward" rotation. If you have a serpentine belt, you need a water pump with reverse rotation. They share a housing and bolt pattern, because both can go on the same engine. You'll need to verify which pump you got.

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Figure out the rotation of the water pump by looking at the old one.  Also, never add coolant after completing a cooling system repair.  Just use water until you know everything is ok.  I have wasted lots of the stuff this way.


I also check the thermostat by taking it out and dunking it in boiling water.  They don't always work, even when new.

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You wrote that you have a 2.5L. Do you have a serpentine belt, or conventional V- belts? If you have V-belts, you need a water pump with "forward" rotation. If you have a serpentine belt, you need a water pump with reverse rotation. They share a housing and bolt pattern, because both can go on the same engine. You'll need to verify which pump you got.

^^ This.




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