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1 TB hardrive.


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I needed a new hard drive today, as I filled both of my 500gb ones, so I went to get one was going to get another 500 gb but they had 1tb for 64$, I remember those being closer to 120$ 4 years ago when I originally built my computer I'm pleasantly supersized at how much prices have come down, maybe in a few years I'll be able to afford a few solid state drives. 

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I picked up a 1TB drive about five years ago for ~$130. A couple months ago after that one failed (after being completely full for the last six months or so) I got a 2TB for ~$120. After cleaning out all the useless junk I've been dragging around for 5+ years I've discovered that I didn't actually need the extra TB. Ah well.

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I wish I could get away with such small drives I have 100TB worth of drives and Need more space (Personal Media Server arrays)...

Every time I need a new drive I am grabbing 2TB @$120 each or 4TB @ $200 each depending on which Media server I am adding to...

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I picked up a 1TB drive about five years ago for ~$130. A couple months ago after that one failed (after being completely full for the last six months or so) I got a 2TB for ~$120. After cleaning out all the useless junk I've been dragging around for 5+ years I've discovered that I didn't actually need the extra TB. Ah well.

It took me threeish years to fill my 2 500gb ones and that was with frequent cleaning of them so this 1tb should hopefully last 2 years with me just dumping things in it with little maintenance.

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I had a 2TB till it died and took all my pics and docs with it. Now I'm using Microsoft onedrive with 10TB of online storage. It comes with my Office 365 subscription. My new PC has a 2TB HDD as well but everything I value is backed up in the cloud. For a local external storage I had been looking at a 5TB lately, mostly going to use it for the Xbox.




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