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Leer cap parts?


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Does anyone know if replacement parts are available? Specifically there's a Leer cap on a lwb MJ at a local yard that I've been eyeing for the last few years, and they'd sell it to me at a decent price. Trouble is it's missing the rear glass. Looks like someone pulled it, hinges and all. What are the chances it's all universal parts and I could still get a window that fits? I've contacted Leer but with no response yet, although it hasn't been very long.

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Pretty sure the entire door is gone, there aren't any hinges or anything on it as far as I can tell.

Too bad, $450 is a little bit out of my budget right now. Especially after the exchange rate and the other Canada factors. I was quoted $75 for the cap as is so I might just pick it up next time I'm down there anyhow... Honestly I should probably just buy that MJ outright for all the parts I've pulled off it over the years... Wouldn't surprise me if I'm back for the bed in a year or two either.

Would you know if the door is the same as another truck's? There was a Dakota and a couple S10's with caps on them, and a few half-tons I could likely pull from at that yard. Or really anywhere, really.

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That could work, although with no hinges or frame it could be tricky keeping it in place.

Looking on the bright side, custom pickup seems to take CAD$ at par, so it could be much worse I guess. No idea what shipping would be though...

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Nearest Leer dealer is over 200 miles away. I shot them an email about it, I'll see what they come back with. Probably give them a call if I don't hear back within the week. Doing a search for Comanche on custompickups yields only one (well, two, same dimensions but one with one lock, one with two) doors. There's just no guarantee it's for a Leer. The wrecking yard it's at is 60 miles away, and I didn't think to grab the serial number off the cap itself. Might be a couple weeks before I can make it back there.

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There's a chance I suppose. CustomPickups claims there's a size on it somewhere, whether on the door itself or potentially on a label on the cap somewhere.

Got a response from the Leer dealer today:


Hi Evan


I can’t get you anything for the Jeep Comanche.


I don't think they tried very hard... I'll give them a call when I get the serial number off it.
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I'll look real hard for it when I get down there again. Any chance either of you would be able to find a size on the door somewhere in case I can't find it or the serial number?

The three results that came up this time when I searched for Jeep (instead of just Comanche) have these as the "call size":

55 1/8 17 1/16 15

54 1/8 25 7/16 17.5

The two that came up in the search for Comanche were both the first one, the second one mentions it fits a whole bunch of late-eighties trucks and then just says "Jeep" at the bottom of the list, so :dunno:

If I had to hazard a guess I'd say that's probably going to be the length at the bottom of the frame, length of the side (vertical-ish) frame, and the height of the frame, but I really have no idea.


The search also pulled up both hard and soft tonneau covers for both long and short bed Comanches, if anyone's interested. They cost a lot less than a replacement cap door...

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  • 4 months later...

Well after several months I finally made it back there. Couldn't see a serial number tag on it, but a ton of snow had drifted in the back opening and there was ice covering most of the bed rails. This is the only tag I saw on it, looks like the top says M150 but the rest is indecipherable.



Does the door have a piano hinge sorta deal? Trying to imagine how I could construct a temporary door for it, and that's the only thing that makes sense to me.


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Whelp. I bought it.



Still can't find a serial number on it anywhere. Any chance I could borrow someone else's serial number? :dunno: Leer still hasn't got back to me (again).

I think for temporary I'll cut a piece of plywood to fit. Being that there's no door at all, the only Lexan I could find in a sheet that size wasn't very rigid, and costs a ton more than I'd like to pay. I also picked up a 36" piano hinge for the top, unless someone has more insight into what the genuine hinges would look like... Feels like I'm talking to a wall here a bit.

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Good luck with the search for the parts. No experience with looking for topper parts like this. Just verification that you aren't "talking to a wall". At least I'm interested in seeing how it goes for you. Looks nice on your truck!

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