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Wheel well

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Heyo. So I'm not sure if it's normal or not looked at some other mj pics on the forum here. My back wheel seems pretty off center off the wheel well. It's not causing any problems I can see . Just wondering if any one else's truck is like this. It's about a two inch difference measuring of the flare

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That's normal.  As the leaf spring compresses the wheel moves back in the wheel well.  So to prevent it hitting the back of the well, they position it just a bit forward.



while it is normal to have some of that, his seems a bit excessive to my eye.  :dunno:   could easily be fixed by drilling a new center pin hole in the leaf pad.

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Looks like new leaf springs to me, until they settle, I wouldn't bother drilling anything.  My rear axle was really far forward for a couple of months when I put on new leaf springs, now it's right about where it should be.  leave it alone for now. Throw some weight in the back to try and settle those springs.

Then again, I don't resort to modifying something that will need time to correct itself.   :dunno:

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My new springs sure as hell didn't look like that. The axle was nearly centered and never moved when the springs settled.


The below is Hell Creek's spec sheet for the 3+2 springs; also applies to the 3+1 springs. You can see that the center pin is not supposed to be centered (26" and 31"). Throw a tape on it and take some measurements from the eyes to the pin and see how much the offset is.


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Alright alright yes stock perches on a Dana 35 . Took a quick measurement with out dropping the axle of the springs got right in the ball park of 31 in the back and 26 in the front . I do remember I had to drill out the center pin whole in the pearch prior to install because the he pack had a bigger pin. Pretty sure it was 5/8s if I remember right. But that wouldn't change anything with alignment. Maybe I missed something during install.

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When I installed my new General Springs  leaves my wheels were that far forward.  When I get home I will find a picture I took and post it here if you want.  They sit almost entirely in the middle now.

Just my own experiences and 2 cents.  I still say toss some weight in the back, let them settle, and then see where they end up.  

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I do hope the OPs springs will settle out for sure. 'Splain this then: Here's a pic of my truck when I got it from the original owner in 03, had 96K miles on it. The wheels are very far forward, and these were the original springs.



The below is just after I installed a pair of General Springs MT leafs about six months later. The wheels are centered, and stayed that way. And I have no idea why. It drove fine before and after.     :hmm:


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Did you crank down the bolts while the truck was still in the air and the axle was fully drooped? The bushings only have so much play in them, so not waiting until the weight of the truck was sitting on the springs before tightening the bolts could force the springs to stay somewhat drooped until the bushings had sorted themselves out... i.e. settled.

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