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WHY do people try to be "helpful" when they have no idea what the [bleep] is going on?


I have three parts XJs in the yard. Knowing that the hood release cables are frozen I carefully and intentionally left the hoods partially open, held down only by the safety catch in the center. Went out this afternoon to grab a part for a fellow Comanche Club member and found ALL THREE hoods have been fully and firmly closed. I'd sure it was done by the Mexican guy my wife brought in to cut the grass. He's a nice guy, but he doesn't understand American gearheads and why we have piles of car parts lying around where there could be grass. I can't even yell at him, because he doesn't speak English and my Spanish isn't up to the task.


Damnit! Now what should have been a 5-minute job is going to take hours of futzing around. I am NOT a happy camper at the moment.

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They do it because most people are simply nice, decent people (except for me). Most of the time around my house, it is Anita who tries to be helpful with anything she has no clue about...Sometimes it is the handymany we use for different tasks.  I am sure I have done similar things, just don't want to remember or admit to it!  Better that that the So and So who just tosses a brick into the front windshield for target practice.


When it happens to me, I try to remember that if this/that is the worst thing I have to complain about - well life is not so bad. That help me keep the blood pressure down.

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i know its not the most ideal way of doing it,

had to pull parts off a cherokee in a storage compound once, everything was locked,

so i crawled under and pushed/pulled the two latch release rods and the hood popped back up


we have a mexican fellow where i live,

ive told himi his hood is open (two years ago, to this day i still see that cherokee bombing down the roads with only the latch catch holding the hood down) maybe thats why he never closes it

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