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Fuel Pump Is Backwards?

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I got a new spectra fuel tank but all the new fuel pumps have the filter and float on the wrong side. A mirror image of the original. Causing it to not fit due to the resvoir pan. Any idea's? The new tank is spot on the original and the original pump fits but is in to bad of shape to salvage.

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I've always wondered if you could take the xj sender and use the outer portion of the sender and combine it with the mj portion on the inside with compression fittings...


Or something like that, anyhow:







... something I've been prototyping over this winter season. Plans are to make up a few to see if it's something that others just might need.

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I've always wondered if you could take the xj sender and use the outer portion of the sender and combine it with the mj portion on the inside with compression fittings...

Or something like that, anyhow:







... something I've been prototyping over this winter season. Plans are to make up a few to see if it's something that others just might need.

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Neohic where in Ohio are you located ? I'm in Youngstown


He's in Minnesota, not Ohio.




The problem (and possibly the cause for nobody making the Comanche ones) is that all manufacturers as well as store computer systems thinks the Comanche uses the same assembly as the Cherokee. Not only is the Comanche one mirror image, I believe it is also about 1/4" longer.


I think a Cherokee one could be used in a tank meant for a non fuel-injected truck as these don't have the pan in the bottom of the tank.

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Ben, I think you're on to something sir!  You could probably make a small fortune from some folks here on CC with those.  How much do you think you have tied up in this money and time wise?


Small fortune?... off of a Jeep site?... I think you're forgetting one major problem here. Raise your hand if you consider yourself a cheap-skate.  :waving: Yeah... me too.


... suggest it would be more betta to use genuine stainless fuel injection hose clamps mate.




You're probably right. If I crank out some of these, I'd only sell the adapter frame. Too much liability in just about everything these days so if I've got my hands on less parts, the less that things could potentially be any of my fault. Pretty much just a fancy piece of stainless... that's what I would offer. If the buyer were to choose to put some barb fittings in it, cut up their fuel sender, install some fuel hoses, and install it using a fresh o-ring and locking ring then that's totally up to them.  :D



Neohic where in Ohio are you located ? I'm in Youngstown


He's in Minnesota, not Ohio.


Thanks, Marcel.  :thumbsup:

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