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It's true that he is the cause and everyone here knows that.....including him.  We've had a few troll's on our site over the years we just ignore their posts and they will eventually move on to another forum to bother other people.  Regardless of the reason.... you can't stop people from posting thier opinions or theories no matter how ob surd.  You can however ignore them.... Here is the Wikipedia Definition for an Internet Troll.....


a troll (/ˈtrl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people,[1] by posting inflammatory,[2]extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a forum, chat room, or blog), either accidentally[3][4] or with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[5] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.[6]

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how about we start over by deleting this thread. though it does prove the fact that people are attracted to drama. look at the view count on this thread vs. another in the pub section. pretty ridiculous... kind of like people crying over that dude from fast and furious dying but not giving a $#!& about mandela.....

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Let me state one thing and then I'm done with this thread.  there is no "favoritism".  there is only the adherence to the guiding principle I hold dear: that anyone that wants to talk about comanches can come and do so in a family-friendly, drama-free environment.  that's all I want and I will fight for it. 

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Let me state one thing and then I'm done with this thread.  there is no "favoritism".  there is only the adherence to the guiding principle I hold dear: that anyone that wants to talk about comanches can come and do so in a family-friendly, drama-free environment.  that's all I want and I will fight for it. 


And it is much appreciated.


Just hope everyone knows that theory and fact are different, a postulated idea is not a reasonable solution until proven, and many of us feel that there is enough theory being had lately.



I am done now. The point has been made by all.

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I have to admit, I love reading ridiculous internet drama ... and this little love triangle between Oyaji, Cruiser, and JEEPCOMJ is quite entertaining.  Its like watching a train wreck ... its horrible, but I just can't turn away.


Anyway, since I don't know either of the three love birds, I did a search for the last 50 posts made by each of them.  As a completely unbiased, third party observer, here is what I found:


OYAJI = A good-hearted, long winded pontificator who clearly writes posts with the intent to help others and share knowledge.  His posts are well written and polite.  From what I've read, his advice and knowledge are sound.  However, he does have the tendency to babble on about barely related things and philosophy.  He does not make personal or rude comments.  I kind of like him.


Cruiser54 = A straight up RENIX encyclopedia.  He has clearly invested a lot of time and effort into this forum and has done us all a great service by cataloging and documenting TONS of good MJ info.  I have no idea why, but he does have an OYAJI sized burr up his butt.  However, for the most part, he refrains from rude comments and apparently keeps most of the drama in PMs.  Lastly, he does give the impression that he thinks too highly of himself.  I also kind of like him.


JEEPCOMJ = Well, frankly, he seems a bit rude and tends to draw conversations toward negativity.  He is the only one out of the three to directly and consistently resort to name calling and personal attacks.  If he were a part of my famiily, I'd put him in the time out chair.  But, he is obviously passionate about MJs and this forum .... and he makes me laugh.  I think we all would benefit if he would follow the old saying, "If you don't have anything nice to say, then just post pictures of MJs".  I like him less than the other two, but I'd still wheel with him.


So that's my $.02 based on their most recent forum activity.


I say put them all in one MJ (with a bench seat of course) and make them drive cross country together .... with a video camera mounted in the corner of the cab. 

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I can respect that.


If you look back in the history you will find that my negative posts are disproportionate to my positive posts.


And I would offer the opinion that not everyone feels the need to be liked.  I certainly don't.   People who can't stand up to blatant opinions are not among my friends, or people who I value in my life. 


Reality is we are all here to be accepted, not liked.   Unfortunately some of us (myself included) can be more frustrating to deal with.

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Seriously,though, I mentioned earlier that no one on here receives preferential treatment and that is a good thing. Pete and the mods do a fine job with that. As such I don't see a need for folks to make ultimatums about returning, announcing some return like it is a great event ( even when they had been posting during the supposed absence), or the need to give in to demands for special treatment. Renix encyclopedia or not if he leaves here he will still be on other boards posting the same info and answering the same questions. If you think he is going to stop his internet presence and the "status" he gets from people calling him a guru or encyclopedia because of something that happens on this site ya gotz another think coming. 

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I can respect that.

A good, mature response.  Even though you don't care, it makes me like you more :P


If you look back in the history you will find that my negative posts are disproportionate to my positive posts.

I'm sure that's the case.  If you had 10,000 posts of negativity, I'm sure the MJ gods would smite you with never ending electrical gremlins.


And I would offer the opinion that not everyone feels the need to be liked.  I certainly don't.   People who can't stand up to blatant opinions are not among my friends, or people who I value in my life. 

Just remember that the vast majority of what gets posted on internet forums (including this one) is in fact, opinion (or more likely, restated opinions that were read elsewhere).  We are all here to share our thoughts and experiences, which by definition is opinion.  By signing up for the forum, we have agreed to subject ourselves to the opinions of others.  We don't have to like, agree with, or value each other's opinions ... but this an open forum and we do have to hear them and be respectful.  Telling someone on a public forum to keep their opinions to themself is like telling someone in a grocery store not to buy anything.  


But back to the original point of this post .... Cruise actually did the right thing.  He had a problem with the postings/opinions of a certain member, so he left.  Instead of trying to change someone else, he exercised his right to simply not participate.  

Reality is we are all here to be accepted, not liked.   Unfortunately some of us (myself included) can be more frustrating to deal with.

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By the way: If you don't like someone or their posts but can't seem to garner up enough personal restraint to refrain from reading their posts or responding to them the forum has a tool to help you out. This has appeared in numerous threads that I read for as long as I can remember:


This post is hidden because you have chosen to ignore posts by JeepcoMJView it anyway? 


Instead of going all emo all that anyone, including the thread starter, would have needed to do was to engage this feature for ojay or anyone else here. Then just never click "view it anyway."   :thumbsup:


To perform this magic: Click your user name at the upper right corner near the "sign out" button. Select 
"manage ignore prefs" and add the name of who you wish to ignore. There are several options from there. ( Another tip: Have a slow 'net feed? You can just block the signature line of those pic heavy sigs that are really long from here, as well...)



And goodbye to those that I assume I will not be seeing anymore after showing them this trick.  :waving:

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