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Made A New Mj Fan Today!


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I walked out of the store today and there was an 11-12 yr old kid checking out my MJ.  When I walked up he asked "is this your truck", I said it was.  He said "So is this a Cherokee Truck version"?  Seriously, no older than12.  He said, "So it's called a Comanch-o"?


He said "This is the coolest Jeep I've ever seen...I want one".  I told him to start looking for one (and you may find one by the time you're 16) and handed him one of the CC cards I got a couple years ago.  I told him to ask his parents to get him one and learn how to wrench it on CC.com


So we may get a 12 yr old member.  Smart kid!!

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Mine too. My favorite back and fourth I've had with someone is when I pulled up to a security post. The guy first commented on my front license plate, then I pulled up a bit further and he noticed the "cherokee" I was driving had a bed. He started asking me all these questions about how I went about cutting off the back of an XJ and retrofitting a bed on it's frame, and how I got it to look so good and smooth. He had no idea Jeep ever made a pickup, and said he wanted one... Bad... Needless to say I kept a close eye on my MJ that day, haha. 

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Met an older couple @ the local Wendays last night with a nice LWB Pioneer, they picked my truck out and asked if I owned it. Had a nice 10-15 minute chat. Found out there son owns a few J trucks that are local and ive had my eye on for years as well.


I always love sparking a conversation with strangers over Comanches, Always.

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Yup, half the kids at my highschool would never recognize that its a jeep. This kids smarter than them I'm sure. I do enjoy talking to people about comanches too, especially the ones who have no idea what they are. I ve gotten the "how did you make that bed" before as well. Definatly part of the reason I love my truck, when it turns heads its sither the people are checking it out, or they have no idea what they just saw running down the road.  :laughin:

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I get it quite a bit even though MJs in this part of the country seem to have held up quite well. When someone asks me to sell it, the answer is always different but never reasonable. I'll never sell it with all the work that I've put into it over the past year.

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I get the "do you wanna sell that truck" almost every time I drive it. I always tell them they don't have enough money. :yes:

Ive gotton that before. Someone seriously offered me 2,000 for it. I laughed and told him its worth alot more. He then said he was just "messing with me" and he knew it was worth more, and told me I couldn't possibly want more then 4,000 as it wasn't worth that. Carwash mechanics  :rotf:

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  • 3 weeks later...

Man, that kid's lightyears ahead me when I was 12!


The other day I was replacing the headlights in my Civic (DD, needed the mpg's) and a guy asked me if my dad was looking to sell his truck. Told him it's MY truck and unfortunately it'd cost him too much to get me to part with it, had a nice chat though.

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