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which would you choose?

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Well it really depends on what kind of wheeling you plan on doing. A lot of rocks and sideways angles, the 6.5 may make it a little top heavy and want to roll over easier but will also have more clearance. For me, I don't do rock crawling really at all, mostly mud holes and trails here in VA, Id go with the 6.5 and 35s because I'm not too worried about being a little top heavy. I want the extra ground clearance so I don't get stuck in mud that 35s offer.

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If you had a comanche that does a little street driving but is mostly used for wheeling would you rather have a 4.5 long arm lift with 33 inch tires or a 6.5 long arm lift with 35 inch tires? Why?

Rear 35? If so, I would address that before 33's or 35's, if you're going to wheel it.

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6.5 and 33s is the ticket. more then enough flex and the height is perfect IMO. 4.5 will leave you wanting more even with 33s. i ran 4.5 for the longest and it just didnt feel right to me. i was mainly on 31s but had 33s on a run or two. it got me through some $#!& but now at 6.5 and 33s it blows anything that gave me trouble before out of the water. i have RK long arms.

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I'm a big fan of a low COG and less stress on the axles, so 4.5/33s for me.


:agree: Especially after wheeling an MJ with a 4" lift and 31s. Lower is better -- I don't ever advise going any higher/bigger than you absolutely need.

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