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Cant drive over 45mph

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check all of these, C:\Users\store0575\Pictures\image-1636806076.jpg (copy and paste into search box)


^ also check for a loose steering box, worn out steering stablizer, bad wheel bearings, tire(s) out of balance, warped/bent rim, OR my personall favorite, if you have stock comanche rims, mud can build up on the inside of the rim causing an uneven weight, a good cleaning of all your rims inside and out would make for a simple test.


i had the same problem, and a new trac bar solved most of the problem i was experiencing, now it just shakes at about 65+, instead of 55. I think its my control arms myself, but those are pretty expensive, and i've got 4 of em.

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track bar was the cause for me and that was even with bad ball joints and barely good tie rod ends.....


also i don't know if you checked out the link to our local club down here but there are tons of people willing to lend a hand, locally I'm sure..

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