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CC on FB!


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I'm off as well, but do miss old friends and places like CC. I can do without the current "freinds" and what they had for supper and what not. :D


:rotf: This is exactly why I don't use FB. I have an account but never use it. Last time I was on FB was to like that girl for the smittybuilt bumper someone posted here in the pub. :thumbsup:

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I resisted for a long time, but FB has turned out to be a great way to stay in touch with far away friends. :cheers:


i just use msn messenger and yahoo messenger for that. i talk to ppl all over the world for free all the time, with way less silliness. - also i gave up skype about the same time.

I'm thinkin that every time you use fb you are taking away traffic from a legitimate website, much like shopping in a walmart eventually eliminates a lot of local businesses, thus eliminates choices and , ------ well, you know how the rest goes ...........

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I resisted for a long time, but FB has turned out to be a great way to stay in touch with far away friends. :cheers:

I was in my freshman year of college when Facebook was introduced as a meeting point for classmates. It was a great way to find fellow wheelers on campus. It was awesome. Then it went down hill when parents started joining and turned into some social hotspot.


I like having the ability to touch base with long time friends, particularly those in the military. It's much easier to have the ability to contact anybody I want without searching for a current phone number, email or address.


I don't get the games and fluffy stuff on Facebook. But I do 'like' CC.

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