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So how would you guys feel about this?

Sir Sam

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Officer is being a fool.

Officer needs to loose his badge.


"Pull out my Glock 40, take two steps back, put 10 bullets in you and drop you"..yeah, that officer has NO BUSINESS 'protecting and serving' any community. He is a hot headed meat head.

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Wow, just insane, but working for a FD I can see how police don't like to let people speak unless they are ready. I think with that audio, let alone the video the office would be extremely lucky to still have a job after an IA investigation, but I doubt that will be... and he'll be back on the street to terrorize other members of the public and spread a bad name about CPD

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the officers failed to approach the driver, and failed to get permission to search the car. They had probable cause to search the car, however they did this entirely in the wrong order.



the officer was completely out of line, and he did not LET the driver say "I've got a concealed carry permit".

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I went to school with a guy like this starting toward the end of elementary. He was kind of a fat kid but was a real sports fanatic and was a real a hole. When puberty hit, he went out for football, and by senior year he was a big well built a hole. He is now an officer as well and I can imagine him acting like this when someone pisses him off. I agree, no one with that kind of attitude should have a job of power like he has. The driver gave him no reason to act like he did. And as usually happens, he will end up keeping his job, or working the same job somewhere else. I don't have anything against cops, but the job seems to attract guys like this who give all the rest of them a bad name. Ive had more than my fair share of experiences with them over the years (Speeding only) and have only ever had one (or maybe two) be an @$$ when it wasnt deserved. If this guy is going to keep doing law enforcement, he need to get his attitiude in check, and have brains enough to know when to apply force like he did here.

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the officer makes a comment about people like "him" being the cause of officers getting shot. :no: do you really think someone who goes to the trouble to legally posses a legal firearm concealed on their person is going to shoot a cop?!?! :fs1: That guy was so out of line, and his attitude was bad long before he realized he had a gun.

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...do you really think someone who goes to the trouble to legally posses a legal firearm concealed on their person is going to shoot a cop?!?! :fs1:


I try to argue this with my "Anti-gun" friends. They are the type of people who think all guns are bad, and guns kill people.... Yadda yadda yadda. What no one seems to realize is that by outlawing guns, you are only keeping the responsible gun owners that abide by the rules from having them.


Legal or not, that thug will still have one. I would at least be able to have one too, legally.


I bet more crooks would think twice if they knew that a couple people in that building they are going to rob might be packing.


Rob .

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Now there are two things wrong here:


1) The traffic stop was handled all wrong. When they approached, they were correct in handling the civilians outside the car first - as they had the most opportunity to cause any harm to the officers. However, instead of immediately doing field interviews on them, they should have been secured and then the officers should have immediately secured the driver (so he could not drive away!). The second officer should have never entered the back seat of the vehicle before securing the driver.


2) Very obviously, this was a set up by the 'Ohioans for concealed carry" organization. If you listen to the video closely the driver had several times when he could have declared, but didn't. Even if you say "He was intimitidated", or "He was scared" it's not an excuse. The law clearly states you must immediately declare AND cross your hands at the wrists at the top of the steering wheel.


The officer's behavior after he determined the driver was armed was uncalled for. He would have been terminated at our department after an IA investigation.


HOWEVER - it would only have been because of his behavior AFTER he determined the driver was armed. All the other mistakes the officers made just endangered thier lives stupidly. Poor performance on the part of the officers.

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...do you really think someone who goes to the trouble to legally posses a legal firearm concealed on their person is going to shoot a cop?!?! :fs1:


I try to argue this with my "Anti-gun" friends. They are the type of people who think all guns are bad, and guns kill people.... Yadda yadda yadda. What no one seems to realize is that by outlawing guns, you are only keeping the responsible gun owners that abide by the rules from having them.


Legal or not, that thug will still have one. I would at least be able to have one too, legally.


I bet more crooks would think twice if they knew that a couple people in that building they are going to rob might be packing.


Rob .

:bowdown: someone who gets it! I believe DC did something like this a few years back, and guess what happened? Crime rates went up! What? how could that be? All those thugs and criminals arent supposed to be carrying hand guns, but they were. :shake:

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