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So Cal MJ Meet and Greet


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Well I'm not going to make it , I'm gona be in Chico at a wedding . I would realy love to make one of these sometime especially if we could get one a little closer as I don't have any mj friends near me and would love to hang out with some of the guys on here. Hopefully next time!!

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Crap, sorry to hear about the camera. I'll put the word out in case someone found it. Thanks for coming out. It was nice to meet you and Jake.


We had 7 MJs and 13 people in attendance, which is a pretty good showing. Oh, the Long Distance Award goes to MJ Remi, who came up from San Diego.

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It was nice meeting everyone and thanks for coming out







Thanks to Johnny for scheduling it around me getting my rig running.



EXTRA special thanks to David Bricker for coming out and not coming empty handed


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It was great to meet everyone! I definitely missed my truck but was good to have the camaraderie even though I don't have a even remotely useful MJ anymore...soon, she'll be completely gone.


I'll live vicariously through my Dad and all you guys! Hopefully ya'll won't mind a ZJ owner in your midst, haha.

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It was great to meet everyone! I definitely missed my truck but was good to have the camaraderie even though I don't have a even remotely useful MJ anymore...soon, she'll be completely gone.


I'll live vicariously through my Dad and all you guys! Hopefully ya'll won't mind a ZJ owner in your midst, haha.


rotten kid :D

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It was great to meet everyone! I definitely missed my truck but was good to have the camaraderie even though I don't have a even remotely useful MJ anymore...soon, she'll be completely gone.


I'll live vicariously through my Dad and all you guys! Hopefully ya'll won't mind a ZJ owner in your midst, haha.


rotten kid :D




HAHA! Yer just mad because I made you think you'd lost your camera! Not on purpose mind you but I did it none the less! haha :yes:

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