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My in-laws have a female kitty that has been stuck in a SMALL tree for 4 days and will DIE unless somebody helps her. $100 to anyone who can get a blanket spread out under this little tree and shake the poor thing loose. They apparently don't give a $#!t.


Rick 303-396-3018

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Yea I know but after 4 days its cold, hungry, scared, dehydrated. DAMN I am seriously ticked off at the father-in-law man he sends an email and 2/3 way thru it he casually mentions this. We have been suggesting cops/firemen, tree service with sissor lifts, kids who can climb, you name it but nooooooooooo just not important I guess. This stupid tree has just a 6" base so how tall can it be?? The poor critter must be clinging to a branch no bigger than my thumb!! They won't cut the tree down and we are LIVID at his total disregard for a small creature who can climb up but not down like a stupid squirrel GEEZUS!!!

:headpop: :headpop: :headpop: :headpop: :headpop: :headpop: :headpop: :headpop:

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Yes Rick, I live near Guntersville, it's the next town over. But I'm down in Birmingham now for their car/bike show for the weekend. Hesco has a lot of stuff there.


The Guntersville FD and the town animal shelter takes these calls all the time and rescues stranded cats in the trees as they do here, time permitting. WTF can't a local just call it in?

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Think cats do what we do: climb up but when we look down we get scared! Doesn't matter if you don't like cats or dogs, this kitten probably ran from something chasing it and sought the only refuge it could; a tree. It was trying to survive. When a cat or dog, which are animals that do rely on and will look for human care, is going to suffer a slow and scared death of any kind, even if for doing something stupid, we need to give that critter a chance.

A kitten, about 10 weeks old, two years ago was hiding behind the AC unit below my office window. It had snow on its back and leaves frozen to its back. It barely meowed. I went out to check and that kitten tried desparately to get up in my arms. I could have said "tough luck", but it wanted and needed my help. I was it's only hope for survival, and he knew it. I put in in a box with a towel to warm up, went the store and got some canned food, and put it in an old doorless garage, made it a place to stay warm and fed it. It had an injury on its jaw and was literally walking on its elbow on one front leg. Hoping it was nothing serious, I fed it for a few days, but its leg never improved. From the time I put it there, when I left after feeding it, it would come to the front, but not leave. It knew I and that garage was it's only chance to live.

That kitten is now our cat. Took it home after a week of feeding, took it to the vet and they found a cracked shoulder ball probably from trying to get down from somewhere, and because of the malnutrition will always have a limp. While at the vet all that kitten did was purr like a motor boat and wanted to play. Now that cat is best pals with our dog and will do things, like just stare into our eyes and purr still like a motor boat, for it knows it is alive only because of us, and this cat is, believe it or not, the most obedient can we have ever had.

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We called the authorities OURSELVES cops, humane soc, they said to CALL A TREE SERVICE can you beleive that crap? Screw them man I am so pissed i could scream. I have no money but dangit I am still scraping up nearly $500 to get my 16 yr old cat in for teeth extractions but they have to do blood work, x-rays, etc liver tests but hes worth it. May be easy for some to say 'screw the cats' but I say screw the humans. Pll here came to my aid twice, they felt it was worthy well thats my feelings towards animals who don't share our need to kill and torture for fun but instead want to just live in peace with us. Guess I'm just wierd eh?

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I would call the local FD, and try them. Look up the non-emergency number, and give that a ring. Explain the small size of the tree, and tell them the situation. If they are any kind of agency, they will have no problem sending a couple guys out with some ladders.


Gives them a good opportunity to break in any new guys on the equipment.

Rob L.

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So why doesn't some one local, just get a ladder and climb up and get it? In 1949 or '50, not sure when, the fire department was called out to rescue a cat from a tree. When the fireman gave the cat to it's owner it immediately jumped out of her arms and ran back up the same tree. The FD left. At the city council meeting that week they passed a ordinance stating briefly no city property or employees will be used to rescue animals, animal control officers excepted.

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The fire cheif himself said the last time they rescued a cat, the cat died and the owners sued them. Personally I think thats a crock of $#!T and nothing more than a lie. He's probably in the middle of a Brady Bunch marathon on TV and don't wanna be bothered - sonofabitch.


But we got hold of a volunteer fireman with spiked shoes who went over and badda bing badda boom got Ripley down - no problemo! He is now on the way to the vet. He's dehydrated, weak and stressed out but alive. I'm still too pissed to speak to the father-in-law for fear of what I may say cuz I won't hold my tongue and it took my wife, 2000 miles away to save this little furrball when her owners just stood down on the ground looking up with big question marks over their heads 'duh watta we do huh?'


The guy is getting $100 paypal'd to him tonight and I am going to contact the local news press for this county and try to get the rescuer some recognition that he deserves. Pics were taken of the whole thing and I will post them up as soon as I get them. I had to sell both my CB radios, my stereo, a futon and a garage door opener to pay the guy but some things can't be priced and when it comes to animals, don't F** with them thats a button you best not push on us!


Thanks for the support folks. You rock, as usual! jamminz.gif



more to come..................................

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I like my cat.



but she's not effing stupid. if she can climb up it, she can climb down.




this is Darwinism at it's best. next time, let the cat do what it's gonna do...anything dumb enough to not seek food and water isn't worth having around.


(and yes, you're talking to a guy who was raised to make sure a cat can land on all 4 paws, and that it can hunt. it's a family thing...they're worthless otherwise.)

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Soooo ... Darwinism at it's best also means when a kid is so "effing stupid" to climb up something and is then too scared to get down (daddy, I'm scared!! please help me! or meow!! meow!!) , we let him or her stay there until they figure out what to do ... or dies?

People do "stupid" (I don't like that word, but I'll use it) things at times and need our help, even Comanche owners! :brows: Sometimes critters need our help, even barn cats and dogs people dump on the side of the road.

Actually, if Darwinism was really true and like this, there would be no human beings because the stupid we do would have left us all dead long ago.

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Thanks for the support people [and sarcasm etc]. I'm headed out to bowl about twenty frames with the offspring. I think we can let this one close now [hint].


For the first time in 30 yrs I can say I'm disappointed in her Dad. He's never been a quitter. "Its in Gods hands now" he says. Well thats a sure cat death waiting to happen there. If he wants to say that Cindys persistance and never ending efforts finding someone to DO THE RIGHT THING AND HELP THIS CAT was because of the almighty, well he can go ahead and give credit to thin air. I personally say it was all her doing.

Thanks again

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