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I don't know what to make of this:

Sir Sam

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I don't know what to make of this, got this in an email today(from my websites webmaster account):


Hello Dear,

After taking a visit around your website (lot of beautiful photos) let me say you its a greet beautiful country you have god bless you and your familly dear. i'm Mr kamel from north Africa Algeria exactly and I’m a fan of jeep liberty i buy one with 2.5 crd diesel engine can you dear sir give me a help i am looking for some spare parts for the engine with a good prices have you any idea about a good internet source

Thank you in advance for your helpful

And excuse my disturb

Cordially Kamel from Algeria

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Business op knocking??? I have a buddy from Cameroon West Africa that just sent around 5 or 6 SUV's to Africa and he was asking where a good place to get some parts to throw in the Conex. He was telling me that they need parts really bad. You might be able to strike a deal?? Who knows? I can ask my boy and forward the email you received to get his feedback if you want.

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The couple of things that set this apart are:


1) it came to my webmaster email from my website.

2) he mentions the photos I have on my website(a large number which are prominently featured on my website)

3) if he really needed parts for a jeep in africa chances are it was a diesel, and there were a large number of 2.5CRDs sold from 2002-2004 in the rest of the world.



bas speeling and grammer aside, there is an odd ring of truth.

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well, how bad do you want or need to sell parts? if you have parts to sell, isn't it likely another buyer will come along that doesn't have these security concerns with it? nothing wrong with sitting back and let him continue to email you if he's real and truly in need? and finally, since diesels are much more common outside the US, there's gotta be parts over there, so why look for parts half way across the world in a market that's not known for diesels? i still say if it smells like a rat, it's gotta be a rat.

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well, how bad do you want or need to sell parts? if you have parts to sell, isn't it likely another buyer will come along that doesn't have these security concerns with it? nothing wrong with sitting back and let him continue to email you if he's real and truly in need? and finally, since diesels are much more common outside the US, there's gotta be parts over there, so why look for parts half way across the world in a market that's not known for diesels? i still say if it smells like a rat, it's gotta be a rat.


I don't have crap to sell him really. And ya, for most parts unique to 2.5s he will have to goto europe for parts.

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Hello Dear,

After taking a visit around your website (lot of beautiful photos) let me say you its a greet beautiful country you have god bless you and your familly dear. i'm Mr kamel from north Africa Algeria exactly and I’m a fan of jeep liberty i buy one with 2.5 crd diesel engine can you dear sir give me a help i am looking for some spare parts for the engine with a good prices have you any idea about a good internet source

Thank you in advance for your helpful

And excuse my disturb

Cordially Kamel from Algeria

He only asked for a good internet source... I think its legit.. If you don't give him your info then whats the harm in asking for what parts he needs? I mean if anything if it does turn out to be scam then you can just block his emails on your webmaster account.

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Hello Dear,

After taking a visit around your website (lot of beautiful photos) let me say you its a greet beautiful country you have god bless you and your familly dear. i'm Mr kamel from north Africa Algeria exactly and I’m a fan of jeep liberty i buy one with 2.5 crd diesel engine can you dear sir give me a help i am looking for some spare parts for the engine with a good prices have you any idea about a good internet source

Thank you in advance for your helpful

And excuse my disturb

Cordially Kamel from Algeria

He only asked for a good internet source... I think its legit.. If you don't give him your info then whats the harm in asking for what parts he needs? I mean if anything if it does turn out to be scam then you can just block his emails on your webmaster account.


I pointed him towards one of the online mopar parts sellers.

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Find the parts he wants. Quote him, and require a bank transfer for payment. I deal with Nigeria regularly, grammar is always terrible. A lot of money to be made if you find the right contact.


Reverse scammer?

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