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Snow Day


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Ok these are pics my girl took when we went for a drive so she could do some shooting. (She is a photographer) I didnt know where to put them. Keep in mind this is most snow I've ever seen here, so thats why I think its cool.



I have a lot more too, she loves to take pictures.

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I thought Washington would get snow, maybe just in the mountains?

nice pics BTW, I can`t wait till we get some snow here, there has been a couple of dusting`s but thats it.


I have a funny snow story, When I bought my first Jeep, a 1991 YJ(also my first 4x4), I told the salesman it will probably never snow again. The next day we got slammed with a Nor`easter and got close to 30" of snow, it was great I actually got to ride a friends snowmobile about 5 minutes from my house.

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Very cool .. umm I mean cold pictures...

Tell your girl they'd be hella sweeter if she framed them in a sort of collage.. I mean a good photographer should know how to develop their own shots... Oh wait I forget,,,, digital age,,, well a good photographer should know how to render their own shots... Great pictures none the the less.. I think your truck likes the snow!! :thumbsup:

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2wd's don't get to play in the snow.....



Bah humbug. I used to take my 2wd MJ (pippin' the monster 30" BFG ATs) any chance I got. I used to wake up early so I could hit the streets before the plows. And I once used thick rope and made tire "chains" for it when I was up at scout camp. she was a real champ for being a lowly a 2wd. :D



(I did have a shovel handy :thumbsup: )

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I think we got somewhere around a foot of snow over the weekend too. I had to push a couple of cars with their racing tires out of the way yesterday just to get into the post office parking lot. I haven't seen this much snow since I lived in KS. It has been a blast to drive around and watch all the morons spin their tires. :rotf:


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The days of Big Snow in kansas are gone. All it seems we get are miny bursts. 2-3" and or 1/4 ice.


I want SNOW and NOOOOO ice. My MJ does just fine in 2wd just about everywhere, but it does have the 2.5 and Auto.....so power isn't exactly abundent.


It's icing up here as we speak...drove the car today so I would have heat.....sucks to scrape a broken windshield with no heat.

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