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Who eats Deer Meat...???


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Well JT, I guess you don't have to pickle it if you didn't want to. That's just the way my family always did it. Of course, we always had pork and sauerkraut on Thanksgiving, at least while my grandfather was living. Now that's a real Dutch meal for ya, but I digress.


Man I only eat "sour"kraut on a Reuben!!! I want to say Ill try it, but I don't think it would pass in this house unless I cooked it on the downlow... Hell I'd have to cook venison on the downlow and call it beef to get anybody anywhere close to eating it! :rotfl2:

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JT.. I could see if they were hunting for food like you said.. But these guys slaughter deer wholesale around here. It isnt uncommon to hear of them killing 10-15 deer a day during season. I know they have to kill so many to keep the herd healthy.. but in the last 5 yrs I have hit 3 deer :mad: So I guess there are still to many around.



Hornbrod... I think ppl who use rabbit and brid dogs fall into a different catagoery then deer hunting dogs. A deer dog either runs or it don't.. very lil training in them. Now a bird dog/rabbit dog most of their owners put lots of time into them training them, and we have a couple of guys at work that raise/breed/train rabbit dogs... and some of them fetch several hundred to a thousand dollars per dog... where a beagle.. might get 100 :???:

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Hornbrod... I think ppl who use rabbit and brid dogs fall into a different catagoery then deer hunting dogs. A deer dog either runs or it don't.. very lil training in them. Now a bird dog/rabbit dog most of their owners put lots of time into them training them, and we have a couple of guys at work that raise/breed/train rabbit dogs... and some of them fetch several hundred to a thousand dollars per dog... where a beagle.. might get 100 :???:


Ain't that the truth. My bird dog was half pointer, half dalmation. Mostly black w. white spots with a bright white patch at the end of her tail. Called her Flag. She required very little training as the pointer half dominated, but she would point EVERYTHING; pheasants and quail, plus frogs, chipmonks, coons, skunks, cockroaches, even deer. :D Took awhile to break her of that, had to shoot the unwanted stuff and gently beat her over the head with it, except for the deer. :eek: She lived to be 14 years old, and is resting still in North, VA, not too far from you Pingpong. Still miss the old girl...


Back on topic: My bro-in-law here has about 250 acres and shoots six or seven deer a year on his land. Makes the best dayem sausage you ever tasted. Had some this morning w. my eggs and grits, mmmmmmmmm good.

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Back on topic: My bro-in-law here has about 250 acres and shoots six or seven deer a year on his land. Makes the best dayem sausage you ever tasted. Had some this morning w. my eggs and grits, mmmmmmmmm good.


I hate you a little bit right now... :fs1:

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Back on topic: My bro-in-law here has about 250 acres and shoots six or seven deer a year on his land. Makes the best dayem sausage you ever tasted. Had some this morning w. my eggs and grits, mmmmmmmmm good.


I hate you a little bit right now... :fs1:


Yeah, I wish there was some way I could get some to ya Wade. :D Don't you have mulies nearby you can hunt out there? Lot's of sausage on them, much more than the runt 'Bama whitetail goats they call deer around here.

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For you teriyaki fans out there.

Take back straps cut into 1/4 inch slices.

Mix 1 cup soy sauce to 1 cup brown sugar, pinch of minced garlic, pinch of ginger

soak cut peices 2 days covered in fridge

pan fry with onions or bbq

serve with white rice and whatever else.

can add less sugar all to taste.

I usally mix the sauce first adding more of each until i get it to where i like it then add the meat.

Got some on the final day of soak time right now deer meat for dinner tonight. We have Axis deer over here. Best vension ive ever eaten. Year around season, its an invasive speices so every deer we kill is one less doing damage to the forest.

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Its a staple in the CW household. As are game meats in general. I had it two nights ago. This time of year, its on the table at least two times a week.

Its MUCH better for you and harvested myself, as it should be.



At first I thought you were talking about the movie! :ack:


I didn't have my camera charged up today when I went to my cabin or I'd have pics of the doe (with her grown up fawn) and a young black bear (I had just enough battery to snap a couple pics before that of the DJ I'm going to sell)

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