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Who eats Deer Meat...???


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A man kills a deer and takes it home to cook for dinner.


Both he and his wife decide that they won't tell the kids what kind of

meat it is, but will give them a clue and let them guess.


The kids were eager to know what the meat was on their plates, so they

begged their dad for the clue.


Well, he said, 'It's what mommy calls me sometimes'.


The little girl screams to her brother...


'Don't eat it, it's an a$$hole...

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:rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:


I thought it was a real question. I was about to reply with I love deer meat!!!


Me too... I really miss Deer Jerky... my Pop used to bag one every year and we'd (by we, I mean the meat processing guy) process almost the whole thing into Sausage and Jerky...



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Mmm, yea. Best cut of meat I ever had was deer tenderloin cut about 1.5 inch thick, and my dad and a friend of his delivered it to my wife and I in the hospital after my daughter was born. It melted in my mouth...it was the perfect dinner for that day. (They also snuck me in a sixer of natty!)

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Man, you guys are making me hungry. :drool: I don't hunt much myself( wish I had the time), but I always tell the " big game hunters" at work to blast a few for me. I'll pay to have them butchered. At least save the hearts for me. They usually buy a few doe tags each, and then don't use them. :fs1:

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Man, you guys are making me hungry. :drool: I don't hunt much myself( wish I had the time), but I always tell the " big game hunters" at work to blast a few for me. I'll pay to have them butchered. At least save the hearts for me. They usually buy a few doe tags each, and then don't use them. :fs1:


:eek: You eat the heart?? Never tried that part of the dear....

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Sure. Cook it, slice it, and then pickle it( the Pa. Dutch in me). Very tender.

Do you have to pickle it?? I guess I'll have to try that this year!

Kinda reminds me of the movie Red Dawn where the kid kills his first dear and has to drink the blood..... :ack:

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We spent a few nights in a bed and breakfast/resort/cabin type place in New Zealand (south island) and they had a big field of deer... one morning, we had the absolute "FRESHEST" venison sausage you can imagine (and maybe a deer or two less in the field)... I have a food woody now just thinking about how awesome it was...


Ok, maybe too much info...




P.S. If there are any hunters out there that get Deer this year, I will be willing to PAY to have you freeze me up some Sausage and Jerky and ship it out to the left coast...Cash money (ok, Maybe Paypal...)

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Sure. Cook it, slice it, and then pickle it( the Pa. Dutch in me). Very tender.

Do you have to pickle it?? I guess I'll have to try that this year!

Kinda reminds me of the movie Red Dawn where the kid kills his first dear and has to drink the blood..... :ack:




That is a horrible movie.

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Sure. Cook it, slice it, and then pickle it( the Pa. Dutch in me). Very tender.

Do you have to pickle it?? I guess I'll have to try that this year!

Kinda reminds me of the movie Red Dawn where the kid kills his first dear and has to drink the blood..... :ack:



That is a horrible movie.


So horrible they are remaking it?




Awesome Movie...top 10 all time!!!

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Okay, at work they layed off 5 of my friends yesterday... But that's not at all bad compared with the news that they'd bother to remake that movie.


I can't wait...gonna get in line for my tickets now...


http://www.beyondhollywood.com/wolverin ... the-works/



Uhhh you better take a look at the write-up on that movie remake SW2...it's not going to be the same movie when the folks in Hollowood get done with it. :nuts:

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Around where I live Hunting is everything to some of these "rednecks". We have guys at work that take ALL of their vacation time this yr to hunt. I personally do not hunt.. but for some reason I always have deer meat :nuts:



Maybe one of you hunters can riddle me this... Around here all the hunters wear camaflouge.. run dogs, and sit along side the road waiting for the dogs to flush the deer out... Whats the purpse of the Camaflouge? You think the deer can't see the truck? :???:

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:doh: Using dogs is NOT hunting and should be illegal IMO... :shake: . That's just lazy posers dressed up and carrying a gun :yes:


Dogs are for hunting birds & rabbits :thumbsup:



I agree 100% but until they change the law.. that is what happens in VA at least :oops:

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I agree 100% but until they change the law.. that is what happens in VA


Exactly right! My Mom used to live out in the boonies down in Mathews county, and during the season the "hunters" would be parked out on the dirt roads pulling on their flasks and mostly hammered while the dogs ran deer. I used to bird hunt these prime areas a lot w. my dog, but made it a point to stay out of the woods when redneck deer season was on. :eek:

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Yeah...they hunt with dogs down here too...which is why I quit hunting and sold my guns.


I don't think dogs are legal in PA for deer hunting, but I haven't been there since 1985...and I know that if we saw dogs running deer when we were hunting...we would shoot the dogs.

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If I were hungry I'd use a dog to get game.. Sportsman like no, but when it comes down to food for the winter when your about broke then things take on a new meaning. I would only kill what I needed not like everything I saw. Just like if I came home and saw a deer in my backyard; I would take aim for sure. I haven't had time to do any hunting this year and I really can't stand just sitting waiting. I have to walk or circle, but I don't like doing that unless I'm 100% sure I'm the only one in the woods.


Ok, we never decided who was going to be sending me some Deer this year... I'm serious...if anyone gets one and makes Jerky and/or Sausage, I'm all over it!

If I get anything this year I'll hook you up.

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Well JT, I guess you don't have to pickle it if you didn't want to. That's just the way my family always did it. Of course, we always had pork and sauerkraut on Thanksgiving, at least while my grandfather was living. Now that's a real Dutch meal for ya, but I digress.

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