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DIY arm rest mounting clip?

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I lost the arm rest mounting clip, parts number 8&9 in the parts diagram I attached. Does anyone have pictures or dimensions for the part so I can try and DIY it? I've searched the part number and nothing comes up and I haven't had any luck at the junk yards near me


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I think your best bet would be to get one out of a junkyard. I also was missing one and had to pull one out of a junkyard. It is a hard to replicate part. 


You may be able to recreate it by finding a nut that threads on to the end of the arm rest and then cutting a slit in it.

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It's not doing anything but collecting dust right now.  However, it would cost more in postage to send it to you than it would cost to find a XJ in a junkyard and grab one.


The piece is so small it could "fall into your tool bag" and not be seen on exiting.

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