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He used those little straps to hold the front too :eek: He should consider himself lucky he didnt loose his whole rig.


I am accused of overkill strapping. I use at least 4, sometime 6, and as many as 8 straps to hold a vehicle down. BY straps I mean 2" wide ratchet ones. Can never tie it down to much

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He used those little straps to hold the front too :eek: He should consider himself lucky he didnt loose his whole rig.


I am accused of overkill strapping. I use at least 4, sometime 6, and as many as 8 straps to hold a vehicle down. BY straps I mean 2" wide ratchet ones. Can never tie it down to much


love how they tied the rest to the trailer..i guess incase it came loose?!? I'm almost as bad about strapping down a rig..i also have a logging chain around the front axle as a last resort if for some reason the 4-5 straps come loose...lol takes me like 20mins to strap it down.

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