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driving without exhaust?

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I've gotten the front exhaust pipe off my truck, but can't get the nuts and blots off of the front of the converter where the pipe meets it.  Can I drive this about a 1/4 mile to a shop to have them taken off, or will this mess up the engine?? 

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I wouldn't do it. 


Reattach the down pipe, take a sawzall and cut the Cat off, then work on the nuts/bolts. 



Exhaust does not go in one direction, pulses, your header is too short and could suck cold air into the valves. 

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I did it for about 4 months. Great fun, really loud. My header wasn't connected.


Only downside.... you suck up a lot of carbon monoxide while driving.


Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk

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I did it for about 4 months. Great fun, really loud. My header wasn't connected.


Only downside.... you suck up a lot of carbon monoxide while driving.


Sent from my SM-G930T using Tapatalk


Are you saying your header wasn't connected to the engine, or to the muffler?


Did you and Noriyori read the original post? His exhaust pipe is disconnected from the manifold. He should NOT drive it that way.

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Header bolted to engine (otherwise intake would fall off).  Nothing bolted to header.  Exhaust dumped roughly at the firewall under the gas pedal.  

4 months.  Yes it's loud.  Yes you have to drive with the windows open or you'll probably suffocate.  No, it won't hurt the engine for a short while.  Or a longer than short while.

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