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Load sensing valve, does it cut rears off when jacked up?

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I noticed that when I have the rear axle jacked up, that the rear brakes seem to be cut-off when I apply the brakes. Resp. no braking occurs at the rear axle. Is this normal? I've not been able to test it on the road (not insured yet), but if there's a potential problem with the rear brakes, I'd rather fix it before I put the car on public roads...



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You'll need to make a longer rod to compensate for the amount of lift. 



What he said.


It is, after all, a load (or height) sensing device. Load pushes the body/chassis closer to the axle, and the valve adjusts to provide more braking. Move the body/chassis away from the axle, and you should expect less braking.

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The load sensing valve adjusts braking based on the distance from the bed to the axle, so on a stock vehicle more stuff in the bed = bed closer to axle. When you lift the rear end, you change this relationship. To get the stock behavior back, you need to lengthen the rod going from the valve to the axle by the amount you lifted the rear.

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I noticed that when I have the rear axle jacked up, that the rear brakes seem to be cut-off when I apply the brakes. Resp. no braking occurs at the rear axle. Is this normal? I've not been able to test it on the road (not insured yet), but if there's a potential problem with the rear brakes, I'd rather fix it before I put the car on public roads...




JE39, THIS will help.  :thumbsup:

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Thanks. And sorry for lack of precision; I meant the car bein on axle stands... :) Ride height is stock, no lift. 


I'll investigate, I know the previous owner did something with the rear brakes, I'm going to take the the drums off anyway. Thanks for your input! If all fails I guess I'll be forced to delete the valve. I guess there are no repair kits available?

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