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Rear Main Oil Pan Question.

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Will I be able to get the oil pan off by lifting the 1992 Comanche 4.0 liter, both front tires off the ground by 2 inches and jack stands on frame behind lower control arms. I want to leave the oil pump and sump screen on the engine if possible. Or do I also need to disconnect the lower shock bolts and sway  bar links? I read every thread on the RMS already. I just want to make sure I can get the oil pan off this way and have enough clearance. Thanks..

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On my 88 4.0, 5 speed stick,  the axle had to be dropped (lower shock bolts removed), even then it was a tight fit.


Allegedly you will have more room with an automatic transmission, apparently the bellhousing is lower on a stick than auto.


I'm sure more knowlegable folks will confirm or debunk this.


Good luck!



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Yes but you'll have to drop the oil pump/pickup into the pan to roll it out. It's 2 bolts so no big deal.  You can reach above the pan and get them.   The suspension at full droop leaves enough room to get the pan out.


 For installation I'd recommend zip tying the new gasket to the pan and cutting the ties after you have a few bolts loosely threaded.

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Ive done my RMS 2 times since September and the first time I had the tranny out and it was still a PITA to get out. Second time I had the front axle out of there and it was easy. Remember to soak your RMS in oil before you put it in and put a dab of sealant on the ends where the rubber gasket halves meet. 

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The last few times I've done it on stock height MJ/XJs I've just pulled the whole axle and dragged it out of the way. It's a messy PITA job and I like the extra room so I can make sure it's done right. Pulling the entire axle doesn't add any extra time to the job. This is all assuming you're doing this on your garage floor or driveway.

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The last few times I've done it on stock height MJ/XJs I've just pulled the whole axle and dragged it out of the way. It's a messy PITA job and I like the extra room so I can make sure it's done right. Pulling the entire axle doesn't add any extra time to the job. This is all assuming you're doing this on your garage floor or driveway.

I second that. I would also plan 2 days. First day pull axle and pan off. Then let the dang thing drip overnight. Then finish the project the next day.

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Thanks for all the advice and reply's.  Yes will do the RMS on my garage floor starting Monday. The video really helped, it was on a grand Cherokee and he left the axle attached. I will attempt it with the front axle installed but will remove it if needed. Thanks to all. Using Fel- Pro gasket OS34308R, and Fel Pro rear main seal  BS40612 just ordered from Amazon. Total of $33.05 for both pieces.

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