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horn trouble

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So I'm trying to diagnose why my horn is not working. Can someone please tell me where the horn fuse and relay are. I have put a jumper directly from horn to power and it works. I have also pull horn button apart and cleaned a bit of rust off the contact point. I'm working on a 91 . Thanks

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That's the correct fuse. The following is straight from the 91 FSM:


The horn relay is located on a bracket of 3 relays behind the instrument panel.


I have never had a horn problem so have not searched for the horn relay. And there is no picture of it in the FSM. Advise you to stick your noggin under there and look up for a bracket with relays on it.  :dunno:  More brilliant engineering by Jeep..................

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The horn relay on my '91 was dangling loose under my dash when I got it. It looks like it might once have been velcroed to the lower dash panel, but it was also on a bracket with another relay, so I'm not positive... it may simply have been unbolted and never bolted back in. So yeah, two relays together under the driver's side of the dash. Mine was black, not white.


Also, even though my relay was bad, that wasn't the entire reason my horn wasn't working. The horn button stuff under the steering wheel lock plate in the steering column has a couple different styles, and they come with different length lock plate springs. Someone had obviously pulled my column apart at some point and put the wrong spring back in. When they couldn't put the lock plate back on, their solution was to pull out the horn cam... yes it "fixed" the problem, but it also removed a part critical to the horn working... idiots.  :shake:


Obviously the chances of that being your problem are slim, so make sure your relay is working before you start pulling apart your column. But here's a link to my thread from when I was trying to get my horn to work: http://comancheclub.com/topic/40798-horn-button-missing-bits-and-pieces-i-think/

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