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EGR valve controversy

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Is the EGR valve and system pertinent? I've heard strong arguments for and against the egr valve, but no conclusion based on facts, just hearsay. Thoughts?


(The reason I am trying to iron this out is because I'm looking for headers and some that I have found do not have the port for the EGR valve so if anyone has suggestions on headers those would be most welcome.)

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Like was said, if youre in an area that does safety and emissions testing, removing it could be construed as tampering and therefore illegal. I am in North Carolina where this is the case, but if you know an inspector, then it can easilly be gotten around. I think most people  who quit using it just unplug it, block the vac line and remove the pipe. This keeps it in place but closed so you don't loose manifold vacuum. That would allow you to use a non egr exhaust manifold. 

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