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Changing Front Uca Bushings On Axle Housing

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I was getting a clunking noise under the front end every time I went from drive to reverse . Between the uca's and the bushings I'm gonna change them both .


What do you guys use the change the bushings in the housing ?? I was thinking of using a ball joint press but having enough room to use it seems like it would be a problem . I'm laid up for a bit with a bad back but just trying to get the right tool(s). Thanks for any and all help in advance .

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Problem with using the BJ press is that the mounts are not plumb, and you have to cobble together some adapters to get the tool at the correct angle to press them straight out/in.  And, you are correct, there is not alot of room to work the tool.  I replaced mine with a friend's help (using the press) and it was one of the most miserable things I've ever done on my MJ.......although some report having no problems at all.  YMMV.



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