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2.5L Engine And Ax5 From 1985 Xj Fit My 1986 Mj?

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Still searching for an engine to drop into my 1986 MJ XLS with blown 2.5l. I bought the truck a year ago, nearly mint on the outside with blown 2.5l (piston rod through top of piston) and AX4.


Today I found this 85 XJ on craigslist - http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/wsh/pts/4486198687.html


1985 jeep Cherokee
2.5 motor 5sp. 4x4
Been sitting for many years
Will start with gas down carb


Do you guys think it would be easy to swap the engine and 5 speed into my 86? Is it a bad idea or should I drive an hour to check it out? Thanks for any advice!

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Been awhile but if I remember correctly the only difference between the '85 and '86 was the carb. I switched the ihe intake manifold so I could keep the '86 carb. Will have to go out tomorrow and check. refresh the memory.

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I agree with the two above gentlemen. You don't see many pre-Renix XJs anymore. I doubt they're very valuable but it's cool to see one that's not a complete heap. There's lots of cool oddities about the AMC era XJs.


But yeah, swap your TBI stuff on to the 85 engine and you're off if you're going to swap it into the MJ.

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Might want to check what transmission your getting with the 85.  I have an 89 2.5L 2wd and trying to do a 4wd conversion.  I bought a 85 XJ 5 speed expecting an AX5 and it was a Borg Warner T-5. It doesn't have a CPS in the bellhousing and your AX5 bellhousing will not mount to the BW T-5 transmission.  I found it all out the hard way and now I have a tranny I can't use.  Lessoned learned:  Make sure you know what your buying!!!!!

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