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Thinking About Exhaust..

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Hey guys..

Thinking about an exhaust.. Mine is going bad.. I live in south Carolina so emissions I'm not worried about.. I was thinking about taking that mount behind the cab (4 bolts) cutting that off and just putting some pipe in and a nice flow master or something. Its a 2.5l so not looking for anything too fancy just want to get the rattle gone.. Any suggestions?


Don't want to just cut it off because then it'll be too loud..

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Just take it down to your local muffler shop and tell them what you want.

I took my 86 2.5 to the muffler house, told the owner I needed new tail pipe from the manifold to the bumper and wanted a stock type muffler, no cat. Cost was about $150. I could not have piece together a system with off the shelf parts for that. It has a low pitched grumble with no obnoxious popping noises. 



I have never understood why some folks spend big $$ on exhaust for a stock Jeep motor. 

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150? 200? Y'all are paying WAY too much. I got a 24" Magnaflow glasspack in 2.5" and a turn down for another 10 bucks, add some clamps, a bit of sawzall, and a stray length of chain to hang it off the stock hanger and I got a quality sounding, free flowing exhaust on thr cheap. I haven't welded it together yet, but I see/hear no leaks.

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If you have access to a welder, I usually just go to the local muffler shop, ask for about 10' of tubing, and have them put three 90* bends as close as they can to each other at one end. For a long box, it's just about right to get you where you need to go... at least past the axle anyhow. Most places have a bin of reject or oops bends that I like to pick through. Between that and either a Cherry Bomb turbo muffler (cheap and still pretty quiet) or an off the shelf performance thing from the muffler shop, I've put together a few manifold back exhausts for under $100. $60 for the latest under my '91. Up here in MN, I just don't see spending a whole lot on a consumable product. Yup... It's going to corrode.  :fs2:







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I went with an offset/offset muffler, turned on it's side,

and let that do the 'over the axle' bend for me.


Pipe ends up as tight to the crossmember as it does if it were bent,

 though the bend usually flattens out the tube a bit, so having it bent probably does allow slightly more axle clearance,

but not by much:




  to attach to the head pipe,

  tracing the 4 hole flange gasket to a piece of scrap steel gave me a new flange to weld to a scrap piece of 2.5" tubing.


The cat is set back to work with a doubler (I ditched the doubler for something else)


Other than the head pipe, everything else was straight 2.5" tubing.


'Someday' I'll make up a new head pipe, the crimped 'off the shelf' pipe there now chokes off the flow like a crazy straw tied into a knot :yes:

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