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Been Gone For Too Long


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My life has finally settled down a little bit and it's time to get back to the important things (this forum  :banana: ) Over the past 2 weeks, Ive gotten married, gone to Jamaica on the honeymoon, visited the in-laws new lake house, and moved into a new place. Very, very busy and it will last for quite some time. Especially since I am looking for a new job at the same time. Thought Id share some pics with you guys because I know you've missed me (or I hope)  :thumbsup:

Me and the wife

My crazy groomsmen

Bridal party's boots. We may be slightly redneck but I love it

Das Boot

How often do you see that at a reception.

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Fantastic cake I saved the image to show my Wife!

Go for it. It might be the best part of the 2 weeks.  :thumbsup:


congrats --- great pics --- gonna steal that cake idea

won't bother me any. The wife saw it on Pintrest and we made it into our own thing. Couldnt find a model MJ though :( and we all looked 

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