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So what is your opinion on the War, Bush, and everything?


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I can't believe that our country has found it self in another VIETNAM TYPE domestic problem.


Today there was an ANTI WAR protest in Pittsburgh here and many of the people that were on the news tonight I totally agree with there opinions.


What are we doing?? How is it that we let Bush lead us down this path to debt and to global conflict.


don't you remember the school BULLY when you were a kid. Sooner or later some one really kicked his @$$ and now he pumps gas at the local full serve while rubbing snuff for a living.


That is gonna be the USA in a few years unless we do something about our problems.


We need to work on domestic issues to improve the problems that we have here at home.


I'd be willing to accept 3000 more terrorist attack deaths instead of the 3000 troops that have been killed.


Why do we let this kind of stuff happen to us??


Sorry... just felt like ranting a bit.

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i disagree with the 3000 more terrorist deaths. we should have zero. we should act on FACTUAL intelligence and go after the people who do do things like that. we should also let the president tap the phone lines of KNOWN terrorists or correspondents of terrorists as that is a matter of national security.


at least, though, we have only a year or so of bush left. unfortunately, there's no good alternative.


and if you say Hillary, YOU'RE AN IDIOT.


my 2 cents

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and if you say Hillary, YOU'RE AN IDIOT.


my 2 cents


I'm going for Edwards because Hillary isnt going to make it and Obama (spl?) is a freakin liar and is just another stupid republican claiming to be a dem and he is one of bushs lackies.


i am so sick of bush and the US though that it isnt funny. we claim to be the land of the free but yet we have been losing more freedoms (mainly stupid $#!& too that the gov has no right to stick their noses into) then you can shake a stick at.


and ahead of time, if none of this makes sense it is because it is almost 3AM here. i will fix it later if its that bad once i read it when i am awake.



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Eh, our nation's been around for a couple hundred years. As long as we change track soon, we're not gonna lose it all in 8.

I'm finally tired of Bush, but everyone blaming everything on him is dumb. He does have alot of power, but he's taking advise from other people to make his decisions. I can compare it to on here when I said post '90 trucks didn't have CAD, cause someone told me that. It's not true, but it's all I heard, so I believed it to be and passed the information along like it was the truth.

I also don't like when people call him an idiot when he stutters over words. He's not an idiot, he's well educated, but his tongue slips. So what? He probably has a higher education than anyone else on this forum. Or when people make fun of his speeches. All presidents have speech writers, so if the wording is lacking, blame part of it on the speech writer.

I can't say that Bush is doing a great job; he's making mistakes. Things are not Not his fault, but not all the blame can be put on him like the majority of the world tries to do.


I'm not gonna get started on Iraq, cause I didn't mean to type that much.


Screw Hillary. Or, I guess I couldn't. I don't think she's into men.

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I really don't think we're in this position because of Bush, I think we basically did it to ourselves. After 9/11 our leadership did the most christian of things - find another religion to blame and blow the hell out of them.


I have a completely different opinion on Iraq though - when I talk with my solider friends coming off tour I ask them all the same question "Do we need to be over there doing this?" So far I'm getting a resounding 'yes.' With Vietnam vets when I ask them "Did we need to be over there?" about 95% said 'no.'


Since I persoanlly haven't taken a vacation in the combat zone I will accept what the men on the ground are telling me - if they say we need to be there that's perfectly good enough for me.


As for where I'm voting next year I'm going to pay close attention to the independants. I like the idea of killing off governement intervention, but I am equally sick to death of the Republicans trying to jam christian views down my throat and tell me how unclean I've been living. The Democrats on the other hands have entirely rubbed me the wrong way with the whole immigration issue and the concept that I need the governement to run my life or I won't be able to survive to retirement.


I think Hillary might win just because he's a she.


I ask myself what I would do as president and look for the candidate that best meets my interests:

- I would ban state profits off of speed camera technology. If a cop didn't catch you then all profits should go into the victims fund and not pass local coffers.

- I would kill off the whole sanctity of life misconception. If a criminal shows no value to society he should be killed (I do not agreed with current execution standards though.) If a person is in sound mind and wants to kill themself so be it! Same with abortion - the grand majority of aborted fetuses would have suffered through life anyway, why make a big deal out of it.

- I would get religion out of the governement for good. The last time religion and government worked together innocent people were burned at the stake. Last year the government spent over a billion dollars trying to teach kids that abstience is the only way - studies showed that 97% of kids ignored them. So this year the gov is trying for $1.2b in funding like that'll help.

- I would legalize most of the drugs coming into the country, expecially pot. So far in US recorded history no one has ever OD'ed on pot. Just doesn't happen. Alcohol, salt, water have each killed thousands so far this year. Instead of spending $200b a year on the "war against drugs" I propose we focus on ridding ourselfs of the the naster stuff (like meth) and tax the snot out of the deisgner stuff. -$200b/yr becomes +$50b/y in revenue and cops can then worry about catching dangerious people.

- I propose there be a military service 'option' for illegal immigrants. If you serve one tour in the military as a guest citizen, learn to speak American, and study basic American history you will be guarenteed citizenship when you return. You come here, get a rifle, a canteen and head to the desert to support the country you want to be part of. If not you get a canteen and sent to the desert anyway.

- I would establish a tax allocation system via internet where a certain percentage would automatically go into infrastructure (highways, byways, electrical grid) and the rest you can decide where to spend it. If you want $100 to go into education - so be it. Space exploration, political campaigns, ect. That way you'd have significant control on where our taxes are uselessly spent.

- I would change the entire tax system and focus on taxing all purchases made from within the US. And i would tax all funds coming in and out of the US. No tax shelters, no refunds, no more headaches. And no way to walk around the issue. If you don't want to pay taxes you simply don't buy anything for the year.

- I would mandate all car insurance liabilities be tied directly into gas purchases. If you buy gas in the US you are automatically covered with liability. That means people like me who drive 40k a year automatically pay more in insurance than people like my wife who barely scrapes 10k, AND all those illegal immigrants, DUI/suspended lic violators, AND those asshats who simply refuse to pay normal insurance will be forced to have simple coverage. Have a car worth a little more than liabilty-only? Then you would pay the premium.

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bonkers..that's pretty radical. i agree with some of what you say...but regarding illegal immigrants, we can't force them to serve the military.


we can, however, deport them and shoot them at the border as they come over...maybe then they'd do it legally.


BUT then we do need to make it easier for them to come over legally. i'm not racist by any means, but i'm SICK of my welfare payments going to illegal immigrants who get sick, go to the hospital, and can't afford it...in which case WE pay for it.


it just ain't right.

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bonkers..that's pretty radical. i agree with some of what you say...but regarding illegal immigrants, we can't force them to serve the military.


we can, however, deport them and shoot them at the border as they come over...maybe then they'd do it legally.


BUT then we do need to make it easier for them to come over legally. i'm not racist by any means, but i'm SICK of my welfare payments going to illegal immigrants who get sick, go to the hospital, and can't afford it...in which case WE pay for it.


it just ain't right.


i also hate how in order for me to move west and get a job i should know Spanish. my dad applied for a job in AZ and the only reason he didn't get it was because he didn't know Spanish. this is America, we speak English here. you come here, you learn it. and you should have to come here legally or get shot. no other way around it.



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Well, my opinion is that this particular topic might be a bit more than many members want to see on their Jeep site, or at least that is what the pile of emails I came back to have said. So if everyone has said their fill, please let it go. Thanks.

Jeep on!


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