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Fixing Rear Wells

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Is there anyone who sells replacements for the wells on the bed? Or is a new bed my only option other then doing the repair?


I have considered flares but I'm not sure how I feel about them. I have trimmed them already and need to figure a solution because its whats holding me up from finishing the body.



Its a 1988 MJ swb


Best pic I have right now.


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Heck, yours looks almost pristine compared to the drivers side wheel well arch on mine. I managed to cut those sections out of a MJ bed at P&P and plan to cut and weld to repair (or maybe have a body shop do it, my thin metal welding skills aren't quite up to par yet).

As Alexia suggested, check local JYs for MJs or 2 door XJs as donors. Use a saber saw with a short blade.

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I would caution you about going to a JY to get replacement sections of your bed. Most likely, the JY beds are in at least as bad of shape as yours considering you live in OH. I have searched about 10 JY's around my area in Indiana and got lucky and found a bed in excellent condition. To this day, a few years later, I still havent found another one. I keep looking out of habit.


Pop those flares off and look behind them on any clean bed. It can be a fright. If possible, I would encourage you to go south to find one. Unfortunately, as others have already mentioned, yours really isnt in that bad of condition.

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I know it's not in bad condition, that don't mean I should leave it or fill it with mud. I am ok with buyin a clean bed, then I can use this one for a bench project.


My thin metal welding skills are not to good. But I could probably make it work. It won't look good enough to not run flares tho. And I really don't want them. But I may not have a choice.


I guess I'll try to patch the small part, I have access to a 2 door at a shop. I'll see how it looks and go from there! Thank for all the responses.

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