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Doing A Soa

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in doing a SOA how much lift will I gain.




Going SOA is definitely a cheaper route to lift the rear, however I personally wish i never had. I got 7" long spring plates attached to my axle to help prevent axle wrap, still have issues. I tried to keep the lift around 4", but you'll end up about 5.5-6" pending your springs. Hind sight i would have purchased hell creek 4" rear springs and stayed SOA.

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Thanks, that's what I hoping for 5-6" now just get some time to start on it.


Don't misunderstand. You might get 5-1/2 inches, but realistically you should figure on 6 inches MINIMUM. If you aren't prepared to go that high, then don't do a SOA conversion.

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You're looking at longer upper and lower control arms, longer track bar, longer sway bar links, brake hoses all around, shocks all around. Count on at least $1000 probably closer to $1500.


Then 33" tires to make it look right (another $1000), deeper gears in the axles to turn those larger tires (another $1000) and your inexpensive rear SOA lift will cost you $3500.

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^This! I just don't think people understand what they are quite gettting into. And don't forget either heavy duty, or an over the knuckly type steering setup. I just got done lifting mine 6.5 inches and swapping both axles out. Look into the Rubicon Express kit, it was very complete and seems very well made.

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