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Recommendations on radiators?!

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I buy mine from Radiator Barn (http://www.radiatorbarn.com/). Competitive prices, free shipping, but best of all - METAL endtanks! Unfortunately, I don't see non-3 row all-metal radiators listed for Renix-era 4.0L's, but if you've already converted to the open system, then there is an all-metal 2 row radiator listed.

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I used a 3 core GDI back in the day when every forum on the planet had group buys on them.


LOVED the 3 core. Just make sure you get all metal, not one with plastic sides.


Its worth the extra $75 in the long run.


Only cheap out if you plan on selling soon.

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800-radiator or radiatorbarn (I even got a shirt from them) depending on cost at the time. (we use 800 radiator through work and get a deep discount)


PS: You can use the '91+ rad in the Renix closed system by just adding a cap and a reservoir (I wire tied a pop bottle in with a drilled hole in the lid and a hose)

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Purchased a three core for the '89 and a two core for the '94 from Radiatorbarn.


Never had a problem with either one, fast shipping. When they were out-of-stock on the three core, I called them and they gave me a hard in stock date...and met it.



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