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?s on long arm build.

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Does anyone have any experiance with the "y link" front set-up. The one where the uppers are mounted on the lower long arms and not the chassis? I'm going to build my own set up real soon and ran across this on the net plus a friend of mine thinks its the tits but i have never seen it before. Any links to builds with this set up or info out there would greatly help my noob @$$.

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they not the tits, 3 link is the tits. yes is is a great way to run long arms, they work very well and serve their purpose. pretty much common sense when it comes to these. place your axle where you want it, measure back to frame mounts for lowers, then just set pinion where you want it, then measure from axle mount to the lca, make a small triangle, uppers just keep the axle from rotating. ummm yeah then take in account when measure what you will use for ends and go from there. most use 1.5" to 2" for lowers and yeah similar for uppers varying on what you use on lca.

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It turns the stock (short) 4 link into a long radius arm setup,

with all the good, and bad that goes along with that.


The bad is mostly a binding issue, and a jacking issue when unloaded.

The good is more travel, and much better ride than stock.



For street/trail use, a true 4 link long arm would be better (IMHO),

a long 3 link has even less binding issues that a long 4 link, but the security of the 4th link is a selling point for some.


All have their places.

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