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Happy birthday to me, and several others here


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Yesterday was the last day of my teenaged years, I'm now twenty.


I also remembered that there were a few of you all that had the same birthday as me.


So happy birthday to all you out there :clapping: And me

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One of the others. I'm 76 today. The fact I made it this far is quite a surprise to every one who knew me as a wild @$$ kid who would'nt make it to his 18th birthday. Guess what? I'm the only one left of the old crowd. Theyr'e all gone. I'm still here. I guess that makes me the winner. My best buddy passed away July 4th, last year. We were buddies since we were 12 yers old.s he was 2 months younger than me. I been artying. excuse the poor spelling. Jimbo, The old fart. Not a dirty old man. Just a sexy senior citizen.

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I'm another birthday boy. 24 today. can't wait for car insurance drop next year....


birthdays go downhill when there's nothing to look forward to. 16, you can drive. 18, you now have rights. 21, you can drink. 25, your car insurance gets cheaper, and you can rent cars. my next mile mark after 25 will be 65. right when I start to go senile, but am still lucid enough to have fun with it....

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