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Hissing noise at booster inside truck

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I noticed yesterday that at certain points in the brake pedal travel, I have a hissing noise like I'm loosing vacuum. I havent noticed the engine speed change or anything, but the noise has become quite apparent. Do I have time with this thing, or shold I replace it as soon as possible. I know that this going bad gives me a really good excuse to change to a WJ or 96 type XJ booster, but I really don't want to have to do it soon if I don't need to. It needs an exhaust manifold too as I have a leak there as well, but it isnt bad yet, so I'm dragging that one out. Just looking to those with this experience to know if I have time or not. Thanks!

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Heard a hissing sound while working on my MJ one day. Killed the rattlesnake and the hissing quit. Ever try stomping a rattler to death while your barefooted?


Sounds like a joke:


"You might be Jim Oshel if you stomp out a rattlesnake with a bare foot."




"You might be Jim Oshel if you owe your relation a whole vehicle for bailing you out of a european hokey."


Only you Jim. I have the geebies just thinking there could be a rattler in one of the Jeeps I'm working on. I'll take my cold weather, as long as you keep the venomous snakes.

Rob L. :cheers:

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Heard a hissing sound while working on my MJ one day. Killed the rattlesnake and the hissing quit. Ever try stomping a rattler to death while your barefooted?

wow save the snake people will sue you ! the snake's family will get in touch with court too ...joking ! damn close one under the foot !

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A good snake is a dead one. :cheers:


I'd much rather have a herd of rat and king snakes around my property than rats and mice and other vermin. King snakes also kill the occasional rattler or copper heads that we have down here. Only snakes I don't like are the cottonmouths that infest the lake out back. I've had the bastids come right up to the boat and try to get in several times. Mr. 9mm usually ends their aggression pretty quick. 8)


Back on topic: DO do the 95-96 master/booster upgrade. It's a good one.

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