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No Reverse Lights

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I have a 87 Jeep Comanche with a 4.0L 5spd BA10 2wd. There is no trailer wiring hooked up to the truck. With that out of the way the story can begin. I jumped in the truck last night and noticed is was quite dark while backing up, getting home with the wife as my watcher it was confirmed my reverse lights are not functioning. So I checked the easy stuff. Both bulbs are good, but I replaced them anyway. The dome, Blinker B/U, Hazard, Stop Lamps, and Trans fuses all tested good, but I replaced them anyway. Except for the trans fuse, which tested good, I sprayed some electrical contact cleaner on it and reinstalled, its a 75 Amp fuse and I didn't have a spare. Is it suppose to be that high?


Then with the help of some threads on here I tested the reverse switch on the driver's side of the BA10, it tested good. So thats about as far as I got through trouble shooting and feel that I'm sorta out of ideas. All other lights function, turn signals, stop lamps, running lamps, hazards, dome, and instrument lamps.







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check the connector in the wire harness located right behind the dr side rear tire. corrosion in it stole my brake lights in the 88. :(



Good idea. Do we know which pins on it are the power for the reverse lights? If I knew that, atleast I could figure out if power was getting that far.

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It's a 7.5 amp fuse, not 75.


If you have a BA-10 it may not matter, might just be in the box for an automatic.


Anyway, if you have a fuse there you should replace it, even if it tested OK. My XJ with an AW4 had no reverse lights, When I looked at the fuse it looked fine until I looked at it for the 3rd time, it just had a tiiiiiiny line across it and was actually not fine. Replaced it, all OK.

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That fuse your asking about is 7.5 amps (notice the point there) not 75 amps :eek:


And that the fuse for the back up lights. Fuse #13 TRANS {Automatic transmission controls, Backup Lamps}


Yea, I know......you have a manual. But that's the fuse, you can run a 10 amp in there OK.

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It must have been just a little too dark last night when I was looking at the Trans fuse. I have a 7.5 in there, I just missed the ".", so I replaced it with a 10 amp and bingo, the reverse lights came on. So chalk this up to another Trans fuse gone bad.


Thanks for the help. KISS trouble shooting works again!



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  • 11 months later...

Thanks for the thread guys. I was moving my Comanche last light to get it in prime plowing position for tomorrow. (I have a light plow on it, and we are expecting some weather) When backing ti up to the garage door, I noticed that it was really dark. My son confirmed that I had no backup lights. It passed inspection just a couple of months ago, and they worked fine then. Looks like I'll be testing bulbs and fuses tonight.

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:oops: I've been tracing/tracking the back-up circuit on and off for the last couple weeks to no avail because I thought they worked on the turn/signal fuse circuit :dunce: I've been following this post , put in a new 10 amp fuse in the trans location .....Problem solved :banana: Thanks guys :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...

OK so it has been 2 months, and I finally got around to trying to resolve my backup light issue. I have replaced both bulbs, and I have checked all connections in that area. I checked the only wiring harness connection that I could find on the back half of the truck bed. It all appears to be fine. I replaced the TRANS fuse (using a 10 in place of the 7.5, because it is all I had.) Still nothing ... where do you suggest I look next? By the way, all other lights appear to be working perfectly.

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No, I checked and I was not getting power to the light socket.


Based on the fact that I have periodic difficulties with starting, everything is pointing to the NSS. As soon as I can find the time, I'll be crawling underneath and attempting a good NSS cleaning and adjustment. I'll be following the info in this post:


http://www.jeepforum.com/forum/f11/nss- ... ng-971621/


I'll keep you informed on the progress

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thanks for the post and the link. OK, so I've been under my MJ today. no issue removing the adjusting bolt, lifting the tabs on the locking washer, loosening the nut... but I can't seem to get the NSS removed from the post. Anynody got any nifty tricks that I can try?

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hokie83,you've probably just got a bad nss on your truck if it's an aw4.i had to replace mine several years ago.they are pricey,or you could just tie into the connector under the hood and use a toggle switch.i've done it for several customers with mj and xj's that couldn't or wouldn't pay several hundred dollars for a new switch.

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With ign switch on and selector in reverse probe the NSS connector located at the rear of the eng block (in the area of the trans dip stick). There are 2 connectors there, one is gray the other black) you want the black one that goes to NSS. On the NSS side of that connector probe the dark blue wire with the white tracer to see if it has power, this is the hot wire to the NSS. On the engine side of that same connector probe the brown wire with light green tracer to see if it has power. This wire goes to your back up lights. If no power your problem is in/at NSS. Got power than its a problem on down the line between there & BU lamps. Trace the brn/wht wire to the rear checking at all connector plugs for power.


My problem turned out to be the brn/lg wire had broke just inside the NSS epoxy and necessitated replacibg the NSS. Thanfully I had grabbed one out of an XJ several weeks earlier as a spare for $20.

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  • 6 months later...

finally got back to the issue last night ( I know - 6 months later). Long story short, I busted the NSS apart trying to get it loose. I had ordered a new one any way, which I will install this evening. However, my battery has gone dead over the last 6 months. Any recommendations on a decent charger that doesn't cost a fortune?

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  • 4 months later...

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